Mohammad Ali
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Name Mohammad Ali Zarrinzadeh
Nationality Iran
Languages English, Persian
Interests AI, IoT, Software, ML, Embedded Systems, Image processing
Registered 2022
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Biography[edit | edit source]

My name is Mohammad Ali ZarrinZadeh, and I have a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from Sajad University of Technology.

When I was a high school boy, I had a desire to know about algorithms and programming and the precise rules behind them. Also, my frequent studies and research enabled me to retain as well as enhance my keen interest in the field and thus, inspired me to pursue my undergraduate course in computer engineering. In my ‎undergraduate years, I have acquired a strong background in the fundamentals of ‎basic computer engineering subjects like algorithm designing, data structures, microprocessor and assembly, and fundamentals of artificial intelligence. My BSc ‎project entitled "game controller based on gesture with SVM" was a project under the ‎direction of Dr. Behzad Bakhtiari. Also, working in the signal processing lab at SUT allowed me to contribute to a comprehensive and technical project related to traffic control under the supervision of Dr. Behzad Bakhtiari. In this project that helps administer traffic lights, I realized various real-world, environmental, and technological challenges in machine learning, and I took all my knowledge and research skills to solve them. Data acquisition and selection, finding and tuning the best model, developing an always-on and flawless application, optimization, security, network, and embedded systems are among the issues I learned during my work. Currently, the project is running at more than ten intersections in the city of Mashhad. These valuable projects and other subjects that I have learned in my undergraduate course made me more and more interested in this field of study. Eventually, due to my successive years of studies, I earned my bachelor's degree with a CGPA of 18.01/20.00 as one of the best students in the university.

As I am interested in software engineering and machine learning, Presently, I work as a software developer and programmer. I have full ‎confidence that my diligence, dedication, and genuine interest in learning will allow me to find innovative and optimal solutions to problems. Additionally, alongside my academic activities, I enjoy reading philosophical, scientific, and historical books and playing instruments, exercising, and chatting with people.

Education[edit | edit source]

  • B.S. in Computer Engineering
    • Sadjad University Of Technology(2017-2021) - CGPA: 3.72/4.0 (18.01/20.0)
    • Thesisː
      • Game Controller based on Gesture with SVM
      • Supervisorː Dr. Behzad Bakhtiari
  • Diploma of Mathematics and Physics
    • National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents (NODET) (2012-2016)

Work Experience[edit | edit source]

  • Signal Processing Lab at SUT
    • ML based Application Developer (March 2021-Current)
      • Real-Time Object detection
      • Traffic Analyzer
      • Implement and optimize Inference Pipeline
      • Develop application for Nvidia Jetson Platform
      • Time series gap filling
  • Weblast Ltd
    • Back-End Developer (April 2018-March 2021)
      • Develop a wide variety of applications back-end with Django (python)
      • Leader of Back-End team
      • Online store’s custom solutions
      • Payment flows
      • Kids education

Research Interests[edit | edit source]

  • Software Engineering
  • Machine Learning applications
  • IoT and Embedded Systems
  • Image processing
  • Natural Language Processing

Honors[edit | edit source]

  • Top student of graduating class
    • Ranked within the top 5% among the graduating class
    • Top student of 2017 graduation class of B.Sc program in Sadjad University Of Technology
  • Member of ACM team of Sadjad University Of Technology
    • Twenty-fourth place in the 2020 ICPC Asia Tehran Regional Contest
  • University Selected student for National Olympiad
    • Qualified for final contest

Skills[edit | edit source]

  • Programming skills: C/C++, Python. Matlab. Basic: JavaScript, C-Sharp, HTML, CSS
  • Tools/Frameworks: Django, CPython, Arduino, Pandas, Docker, Keil, Darknet, Deepstream, Gstreamer, Opencv, Nvidia Jetson, Linux, NodeJS, Cmake, PostgreSQL, Numpy.
  • Other skills: Problem Solving, Algorithmic Thinking, Team Work

Projects[edit | edit source]

  • Vision based Traffic Analyzer For Mashhad Transport and Traffic Organization
    • Full implementation of a real-time and always-on system for vehicle detection and traffic Analyzing with edge technologies under supervision of Dr. Behzad Bakhtiari. Project developed using YOLOV4 Deep network for inference, Tensorrt, Gstreamer, Deepstream, Opencv and MQTT on nvidia Jetson platform.
  • Game Controller based on Gesture with SVM
    • Developing low cost game controller based on Gesture/Motion using MPU6050(gyro) and ESP8266 wifi module. gestures are trained and modeled by SVM. And developing a demo game with Unity.
  • Open Source CPython packages for PyPI
  • Implementation of an AI challenge(Competition) server
    • Implemented with Python and tkinter. Server simulates and displays a board game(Quoridor) playing by AI clients.
  • Implementation of a Kids Education Application (QWERTYGO )
    • Designing and developing back-end side with Django.
  • Persian Word Recognition
    • Training a model with HMM for Recognition of some Persian words.
  • Simple Script Interpreter
    • A simple interpreter written in C++ with OOP.
  • Developing Online Stores Back-End with Django RestFramwork
    • Most of them were start-up ideas and maybe they are down now.

Teaching Assistant[edit | edit source]

Online Courses[edit | edit source]

  • Machine Learning
    • Andrew Ng, Stanford online by Coursera
      • Machine Learning Course tutorial by Stanford online in
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
    • Andrew Ng, by Coursera
      • Through five interconnected courses, learners develop a profound knowledge of the hottest AI algorithms, masteringdeep learning from its foundations (neural networks) to its industry applications (Computer Vision, Natural LanguageProcessing, Speech Recognition, etc.)

Contact[edit | edit source]

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