Name: Steven Mitchell
- I am just now wrapping up my first year attending Humboldt State as an Environmental Resources Engineering student. I am originally from Lake Elsinore, California where I attended Lakeside High School and had my interest in engineering sparked by my physics teacher, Deborah Lilly.
Interests[edit | edit source]
- Appropriate Technology
- Sustainable Gardening
- Architecture
Experience in Engineering[edit | edit source]
- Engineering 115
- Engineering 215
- In Engineering 215, I was part of the team Garden Gnome Coalition, and as a group we designed and built waste reductive container garden. This is a link to that document
- Here is an Google Sketchup drawing of the GnomeTainer
- Here is an example of a memo I wrote for a section of that document
- Here is an example of a Gantt chart done for that project
- Here is an example of a spreadsheet of mine: