Prajwal M.L.
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Name Prajwal M.L.
Registered 2019
Impact 108
Contributions Thermoelectric Cooler
Thermoelectric Materials

Biography[edit | edit source]

I received my Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering in 2018. At college, I was involved with the SAE Collegiate Club in building go-karts, and ATV's for amateur racing circuits. I handled the task of researching and procuring materials for building strong and durable chassis for the cars, and later led the Innovations team. My capstone project was on devising low-cost nanomaterials based thermoeletric modules for lower temperatures. Currently, I am interning with Prof. Chandan Srivastava's lab at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. My projects here tend to focus on the use of graphene and graphene oxide in thin film depositions for superior electrochemical and corrosion resistance properties.

Research Experience[edit | edit source]

Thin-film Deposition of Composites For Corrosion Resistance, August 2018 - Present

  • Synthesised and characterised graphene and few-layer graphene oxide.
  • Developed stacked multi-layer films based on graphene and graphene oxide composites using PVD.
  • Presently studying the corrosion behavior using an electrochemical workstation.

Design of Low-Cost Thermoelectric Modules and Thermoelectric Cooler, October 2017 - August 2018

  • Synthesised vanadium oxide nanobelts and polymer nanocomposites based on them.
  • Studied the conductivity, thermoelectric behavior, and diode properties.
  • Fabricated modules for micro-power generation.
  • Designed a low-cost cooler making use of the synthesised thermoelectric materials.

Simulation of Flexible Graphene FET's, July 2017 - November 2017

  • Generated codes for device simulation and TCAD modeling of flexible graphene FET using SILVACO’s Athena and Atlas platforms for transparent displays in smartphones.
  • Coordinated with incoming trainees and taught basic C++ programming as a bridge course.

Research Interests[edit | edit source]

  • Graphene and Other 2D Materials
  • Materials For Renewable Energy Generation
  • Electron Microscopy
  • Atom Probe Tomography

Technical Skills[edit | edit source]

  • Physical Vapour Deposition
  • Glovebox Handling
  • Chemical Vapour Deposition
  • XRD Analysis
  • Electrochemical Workstation Handling (Cyclic Voltametry, Chronoamperometry, etc.)
  • SILVACO Athena and Atlas Device Simulation Framework
  • Programming in C++

Presentations and Posters[edit | edit source]

  • V.B. Adithya; M.L. Prajwal, B.K. Nihal, G. Purnachandra; B.V. Chaluvaraju “Synthesis of polypyrrole/vanadium oxide-aluminum oxide multiphase nano-composites for thermoelectric power, dielectric and sensor applications”. IEEE Nanotechnology Summer School, CeNSE, IISc, Bangalore, 2018.
  • M.L. Prajwal, B.K. Nihal, G. Purnachandra; V. Sindhoora; B.V. Chaluvaraju “Diode and DC conductivity studies of polypyrrole/vanadium oxide nano-composites”. National Conference on the Current Applications in Materials Science, Bangalore, 2018. (Awarded 1st place in poster presentation)
  • M.L. Prajwal; V. Sindhoora, A. Pavan, N. Samarth; H.N. Reddappa. “Numerical modeling of tribological behavior of Al 7075 alloy by Taguchi’s statistical techniques”. International Symposium on Advanced Materials and Engineering Applications, Mysore, 2017
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