Giuntoli Pumpkin Patch Visit 2014
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Name M.R. Galvez
Affiliations Cal Poly Humboldt
Registered 2014
Impact 1,689
Contributions CCAT earthbag garden terrace
CCAT Raised Garden Beds
Mario R. Galvez
International Business Administration Major/ German Studies Minor
Originally from Southern California
Huge Sports Enthusiast
Enjoy Listening and Making Music

Interests in Technology and the Environment[edit | edit source]

Excited and eager to learn more about environmentally sustainable practices and projects shared around the world.

Hopeful to one day also be able to implement these practices and projects into benefiting not only my own everyday life but maybe also one day share my knowledge and experiences with others.

As a Business Major, it is imperative and essential to expand one's horizons and learn the most one can about the overall "Triple Bottom Line" that companies in our modern society should be considering and focusing on, including being environmentally conscious, responsible and sustainable, in order to survive as a successful and competitive business. In today's modern business strategies, one must acknowledge and take into account that "People, Profit and Planet" are considered to be the "pillars of sustainability" and are the most important and crucial future drivers to take into account when determining and developing business models and strategies for the future. These drivers will not only guide and insure that these practices are self-sustainable and efficient, but will also allow companies to survive the test of time and gain the reputation as a highly reputable and respected business that keeps its integrity without completely depleting the world's natural resources.

Widening my overall knowledge and point of views of not only how appropriate technology is currently applied but also how it generally benefits other cultures and societies as a whole. I believe it will also enhance my general knowledge of how businesses in these segments tend to operate and manage themselves.

Experience in Technology and/or the Environment[edit | edit source]

  • Experienced Landscaper (mowing and maintaining lawn)
  • Novice Gardener (Grow simple easy herbs and vegetables)
  • Introduced to strategies and practices in self-sustainability (Micro-Hydro Energy Systems, PV Panels, Rainwater Catchment, etc).
  • Familiar with Photo Voltaic Solar Panels and their overall direct benefits.
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