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Name Kirill Kudaev
Interests OSH, 3D printing
Groups 242-2017 People
Courses ENGR242
Registered 2017
Impact 134
Contributions 3D printed bike handlebar plug

Hi. I am student at Principia majoring in Computer Science. I am a president of Principia Mobile Apps club and a Web Developer for Principia College PAC conference.

Bio[edit | edit source]

Proactive and creative student with a major in Computer Science and a minor in Business Administration. I love solving complex technical problems and turning ideas into reality.

3 years experience in Web (Full Stack) and native iOS development. Strong object-oriented skills. I have recently developed and launched a campus-wide iOS application linking my college community to dinning services.

My Projects[edit | edit source]

Picture Title Description
FirstPrint.jpg My first print! 20 x 20 house
Mech3D.jpg My first print for Mini Mech project. Horizontal print
MiniMech.jpg Mini Mech project prints. Before testing
MiniMechAfter.jpg Mini Mech project prints. After testing
GraphVert.png Graph for Mini Mech print test. Vertical Print (48 mm/s)
RockWallHold.png Rock Wall Hold I designed it using SketchUp
HanoiBaseCAD.png Hanoi Base CAD file screenshot Designed using SketchUp. Get File
HanoiDisksCAD.png Hanoi Disks CAD file screenshot Designed using SketchUp. Get File
HanoiBaseSTL.png Hanoi Base STL file screenshot Designed using SketchUp. Get File
HanoiDisksSTL.png Hanoi Disks STL file screenshot Designed using SketchUp. Get File
TowerOfHanoiFinal.jpg Towers Of Hanoi Colorcoded 3D Print Designed using SketchUp. Files
BikeplugOpenSCAD.png Bike Handlebar Plug OpenSCAD model File, Appropedia Page
BikeplugmySTL.png Bike Handlebar Plug STL model Designed using OpenSCAD. File, Appropedia Page

My Videos[edit | edit source]

Coming Soon!

Picture gallery[edit | edit source]

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