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Name Jean-Philippe Bourque
Registered 2008
Impact 161
Contributions CCAT Retaining Wall

Jean-Philippe Bourque[edit | edit source]


Who am I?[edit | edit source]

I am from Montréal, Québec, Canada. I am a civil engineering student doing an exchange at Cal Poly Humboldt for the current semester (Spring 2008). Back in Québec, I am part of a Coop program which means I have 5 semester long internships to do through out my 4.5 years in school. Resons I came to HSU to study in Environmental Engineering were multiple.

Interests in Appropriate Technology[edit | edit source]

I have special interests in sustainable urban planning and sustainable architecture. Even if I don't agree with everything promoted by the New Urbanism mouvement, they bring new thoughts in the decrepit urbanistic model used by many cities. It hasn't change since the modern architect/urbanist as Le Corbusier and others. New development and re-development should work around on a more human scale and be TOD (Transit oriented development).

In an era when cost of energy, material and transport are rising, it is important to reduce those, by designing effective (as used by the Cradle to cradle movement) building. Money should be spent on design and engineering, because in the long run it can pay off.

Experience in Appropriate Technology[edit | edit source]

My hands-on experience is null. I expect this to change this semester! In my civil engineering cursus, Sustainable development and environment management is a required course. It was a overview of the basis in sustainable development like life-cycle analysis, green building, recycling and composting programs, climate change, etc. Appropriate Technology is going to complement my formation by adding more technical knowledge on various topics.

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