- My name is Jeffren Ramos and I study environmental resources engineering
- I started at HSU during the Fall '06 semester, and hope to graduate in Spring '11.
- I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area.
- I am a first generation child of Filipino parents, who both pursued engineering degrees during their university years in the Philippines.
- I am currently a peer mentor for fellow environmental resources engineering students.
- My favorite page on Appropedia is Home biogas system (Philippine BioDigesters).
Interests[edit | edit source]
- Indoor Air quality
- Solid waste management
- Artwork made from recycled material
Experience[edit | edit source]
- Design of a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) vending machine for the Redwood Coast Energy Authority (completed as coursework for ENGR215: Intro to Design)
- Water sample analysis for BOD, coliforms, nutrients, and turbidity (coursework for ENGR351: Water Quality and Environmental Health)
- Use of Fortran 90 programming for problem solving and data processing
- Co-author of LCA of Pig Farming