Jessica Stiles
I am a freshman at Cal Poly Humboldt. I am majoring in English, through the Literature Studies pathway, and will possibly minor in Mass Communications or Journalism, etc. My interests include communications, media studies, film, social sciences, and American government and U.S. history. Actually, if it were realistic, I would probably have three or four minors because my interests are so varied.
I chose to come to Humboldt primarily because it is far away from home. Not kidding; but I also came because I value the small size of the community, and the atmosphere is refreshing. I completely can't afford the total cost of living here right now, but there's no place where that wouldn't be the case at the moment.
After I earn my B.A., I hope to either continue my studies as a graduate student, or get some sort of job and make some sort of money. Any money, really - at least in any legal way that involves working with people, writing, reading, or the like. But I can be flexible, in the figurative sense.
My favorite page on Appropedia is Bathroom Toilet Unit. [1]