Hello, I am Giorgio Antonini, I am currently in a MESc program at University of Western Ontario, enrolled in Power System engineering. I completed my master's and bachelor degree in Computer and Control engineering. Over the years I gained experience in working and managing group's projects having the chance to work on different projects. As a software and control engineer, I have a passion for developing innovative solutions to complex problems. Whether it's designing and implementing software solutions or optimizing control systems for maximum efficiency, I thrive on the challenge of delivering high-quality results. If you're looking for a software and control engineer who can take your projects to the next level, here I am ;-) Per Aspera ad Astra

Research Interests

My interests are many and varied, ranging from my fields of study, automation and computer science, but they are also aimed at automotive, robotics, innovation and research for green solutions that combine the different technologies in these fields

Professional Experience

- Curricular Internship at Università Politecnica delle Marche [ April 2020 - September 2020 ]

Study and analysis of Data-Driven Model Free Adaptive Control methods developed by Zhongsheng Hou and Shangtai Jin for discrete-time nonlinear systems implemented through Matlab's Simulink.

- Curricular Internship at University of Western Ontario [ February 2022 - July 2022 ]

Design, developing and validation of a new camera-based sensor for the measurement of water quality changes in wastewater samples

Projects 2022 - 2023

MESc Power System Main Project January 2023 -

The project is structured as a continuation of what was already done during the internship period at Western University (Feb 2022 - Jul 2022), taking up the work done and expanding it in different directions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Literature Review - Turbidity System Literature Review

MESc Power System Side Project January 2023 -

Literature Review - Review Electrolysis Procesess for Wastewater

Projects 2021 - 2022

Preventive Maintenance for Automation and Robotics May 2022 - September 2022The project had the aim of responding to the PMH society data challenge of 2021. The problem of remaining useful lifetime (RUL) prediction in a fleet of aircraft engines under conditions of high variability in the flight envelope and multiple failure modes. The task has been to develop a data-driven model to estimate RUL using the condition monitoring data as input. The challenge has used a subset of the run-to-failure degradation trajectories of the N-CMAPSS dataset.
Data Science Project's Exam [August 2022 - November 2022] For this exam, my colleagues and I had to answer several data analysis tasks. On the one hand we had to use Qlik, Tableau and PowerBI for the analysis and representation of datasets in the form of dashboards. Next to this, mainly using python coding other tasks of clustering, classification, social network analysis had to be performed on different datasets
MultiCamera Project [September 2021 – January 2022] This project has been carried out for a Mechatronic class of the master’s degree course I am enrolled right now with other two students. The core were 3 cameras UnitV2 controlled by one M5StickC Plus. The M5 was connected to a public MQTT broker server to control the signals and give the right input. The aim was using the 3 cameras mounted on Y structure to reconstruct objects and scenes with point clouds and features detection algorithms developed in MatLab
Water Quality Surveillance Using Cameras [February 2022 - July 2022] The project realized for the master's degree internship, it has been carried out in collaboration between Western University and the Università Politecnica delle Marche. It saw the creation of an first prototype for laboratory analysis and experimental verification and validation of the idea that stands behind it. The realized system works and is able to determine variations on different wastewater samples using an industrial USB camera and LEDs of different wavelengths. Further development of this project has varied applications, having only scratched the surface of the potential this may have
Wicked Land Project [May 2022 – July 2022] This project had the aim to create a platform game in 2D on Unity. This project was related to a Computer Graphics class of the master’s degree course in Automation and Computer Science. This project was realized with other 2 students and we had to create the game following the professor requests: three levels, several characters, different enemies with also a final boss figth, and traps e so on.
TM5-900 Manipulator Control in ROS Gazebo November [2021 - Jenuary 2022]This project have been developed for the class of Dynamic and Control of Intelligent Robots and Vehicles. The purpose of our project was to bring the TM5-900 manipulator model back into the ROS-Gazebo simulation environment. Having the possibility to define its movements by making sure that it avoids any obstacles present along the path we have planned. To do this, we worked with the model given to us, solving the problems that prevented the communication between MoveIt-Rviz and Gazebo and re-establishing the possibility to control the manipulator by modifying and creating new files.

Projects 2020 - 2021

Control System Design [April 2021 - June 2021] The project carried out for the Control System Design course, carried out with a group of two other students, involved the control of a DIY Kit Bala.C through an M5Stick C using optimal control techniques such as Kalman filter and LQR and LQG techniques and a comparison with the PID controller in both MatLab simulation and real robot.
JET MARKET - JEMA 4.0: Market of the Future [November 2020 - Jenuary 2021] The work was done by group of 4 students for the Project Management exam with the objective of simulating the work of the project manager following the guidelines given by PMI. We had to simulate a project by responding to a national call for proposals and filling out all the necessary documents by managing the individual areas, from workers, to possible risks, costs and timelines etc. The scope had to be connected with the ICT areas and our idea was a renovation of a chain of shopping malls through the introduction of automated robots
I_4.0_6 Internet of Things + I_4.0_5 Horizontal/Vertical Integration [May 2021 - June 2021] The work was done as a group, on a dataset describing companies and projects nationwide over several years. The data, handed over to us by the professor of the Business Organization course, had to be filtered according to scope and requirements, going in search of trends, extrapolating an analysis of these, contextualizing everything in time, place, and the sector assigned to us: IoT and Industry 4.0
The project related to the Control Systems Modeling and Identification course consisted, given a noisy dataset, to analyze and model it through Matlab's System Identification Toobox

The internship work, for the bachelor's degree, consisted of a study and application of an innovative fully data-driven control method for discrete-time nonlinear systems. This method was used on Matlab Simulnk to control different systems and compared to PID controller

Academic Background

Liceo Scientifico Antonio Orsini | High School Diploma | 2012 – 2017 | Graduation Mark: 95 / 100
Università Politecnica delle Marche | Bachelor's Degree in Computer and Automation Engineering | 2017 - 2020 | Graduation Mark: 106 / 110 
Università Politecnica delle Marche | Master's Degree in Computer and Automation Engineering | 2020 – 2022 | Graduation Mark: 110 / 110 
Western University Ontario | MESc Program in Power Systems | 2023 - In Progress
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