cobb stomping!
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Name Emily
Registered 2011
Impact 12,408
Contributions HBCSL cobb oven
HBCSL cobb oven/Cobb Info, Detailed Building and Testing Instructions

I'm Emily Jean. I have a passion for writing, cooking, farming, traveling, dancing, loving and doing what I can to make this world a better place. I recently participated in the wwoof ( program on the Big Island of Hawaii and fell madly in love with the Island and the beautiful people who live there. My ultimate dream right now is to move to the Big Island when I graduate and start my own organic farm and community. I want to learn everything I can about living sustainable life, because my ultimate goal is to become as self sufficient as possible.

Interests in Appropriate Technology[edit | edit source]

I am very interested in gaining all the knowledge I can in appropriate technology. I want to live as simple of a life as I can, living in harmony with the Earth, and making as little impact on her as I can. I think it is a crucial time to consider the impact we make on this planet, and to start thinking of more appropriate and sustainable ways to live our lives. Natural Building especially interests me. I enjoy getting my hands dirty and working with a community to create something beautiful & useful!

Experience in Appropriate Technology[edit | edit source]

I have worked on organic farms in Humboldt County and the Big Island of Hawaii and look forward to participating in appropriate technology projects the rest of my life!

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