I try to always have a smile on my face.
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Name Elizabeth Gutierrez
Affiliations Cal Poly Humboldt
Registered 2009
Impact 19
Contributions RCEA energy audit reviews/Scrapper's Edge

Name: Elizabeth Gutierrez

I am a student at Cal Poly Humboldt in the environmental resources engineering program [1]. I love the outdoors, and the environment. I have loved our environment ever since I was a kid and have grown passionate for protecting it as I have grown. This passion lead me the the field of environmental engineering, the career path I am currently pursuing.

Interests in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • The amount of math and problem solving required in this field.
  • The ability to help our earth and create a more sustainable environment for us all.

Experience in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • Designing an Appropedia page with Lynette.
  • Engineering 115 Class with Dustin
  • SPeech Giving and Presentation Skills from past high school and college classes
  • Working as the field crew for a Liscened Land Surveyor and seeing the collabiration between land surveyors and engineers

Example Work[edit | edit source]

  • This is the educational kit that my team Esquared created to teach energy conservation Bust-A-Watt Final Document
  • This is an example of a memo I have written: Section 5 Memo
  • This is an example of a spreadsheet I have created: ERE 215 Timesheet
  • This is an example of a Gantt Chart I helped create in order to help my team keep to our project schedule: ERE 215 Gantt Chart
  • This is an example of an AutoCAD drawing I recreated: ERE 215 AutoCAD Practice 2
  • This is an example of an Excell assignment I have completed: Population Growth Model

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