My name is Emily Klee, and I am studying Environmental Resources Engineering at Cal Poly Humboldt.
Interests in Engineering[edit | edit source]
- Alternative energy
- Solar electricity
- Water quality
Experience in Engineering[edit | edit source]
- Courses Taken at Cal Poly Humboldt:
- ENGR_115
- ENGR_215
- ENGR_210
- ENGR_211
- ENGR_225
- Calculus I, II, III
- During the summer of 2014, I took part in the Practivistas Dominicana Program. My team and I designed two seperate projects to provide solar energy that will power the electricity needs of the two different sites. The following are links to the projects: Ghetto2Garden renewable energy 2014 La Yuca renewable energy 2014.
Portfolio[edit | edit source]
- For ENGR_215, my group, It's Always Sunny, and I designed a solar still to desalinate water called The Great Pyramid of Philadelphia. This is the document we created while designing our solution: Final Document.
- Here is a Gantt Chart containing all the tasks and deadlines it took to complete our project in ENGR_215.
- Here is an example of a Cover Memo from my ENGR_115 class.
- This is an example of an Auto CAD drawing from my ENGR_211 class.
- This is an example of a Spreadsheet from my ENGR_215 class.