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Name Dhhemmings/Individual Design Proposal - Appropriate design
Registered 2024

Devan Hemmings Professor Steven Martin College of Natural Resources and Sciences Cal Poly Humboldt October 21, 2009 NRPI Individual Design Proposal Appropriate Design

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this age, many things are changing at an exponential rate. Human population, CO2 levels, and Earth’s temperature are all on the rise. Meanwhile, air quality, water quality, resource availability and natural habitat are all in decline. It is human made technologies that are causing many of these conditions and threatening the future of our planet and/or our species. There is a global crisis at hand, yet we continue to employ outdated technologies that cause disharmony and unbalance to this complex and delicate planet. Clearly, as we all may suspect, something has to be done. Now is the time to replace old technologies that harm with newer and better technologies that will finally bring an end to air and water pollution, deforestation, animal extinction, human suffering and the list goes on. It is vital that we act now to innovate and design technology that will be appropriate and sustainable for the future generations and is respectful of all the diverse species living on Earth.

Description[edit | edit source]

I named this option Appropriate Design in honor of the existing minor of appropriate technology and added the word “design” to demonstrate the creative emphasis necessary when bringing these technologies into actuality. With a solid foundation in Natural Resources Planning and Interpretation I will expand my studies by concentrating on the three areas of appropriate technology, design, and energy. These areas combined with a Natural Resources creates a powerful tool belt with tools that are essential for maintaining and repairing our planet in crisis. The area of appropriate technology is intended to provide me with an understanding of how to analyze technologies and develop technologies that improve the lives of people and reduce their impact on the environment. It also provides me the opportunity to earn an appropriate technology minor. Appropriate technology, as described by the website appropedia.com, is “...technology that is appropriate to the environmental, cultural and economic situation it is intended for. It usually describes technologies which are suitable for use in the majority world (or ‘developing nations’).” Many factors must be considered when designing a technology. Variables may include climate, clientele, initial cost, cost over time, CO2 emissions, imbedded energy and land or mineral resource availability. It all depends on where and for whom the technology is intended. The Design area of this option is important for understanding how technologies can be drawn into reality using computer aided drawing. 3-D Design is a means of developing ideas that is essential in the world of appropriate technology. It allows innovative and complex concepts to be explored and communicated so that they may go into further development. This is an area of concentration which I may pursue further in graduate studies. The field of Energy is an area concerning the physics of electricity and energy related technologies, i.e. solar, wind, biomass etc. After completing the courses listed in this category, I will understand electrical circuits, the production of energy, and have a broader scope of understanding alternative energy sources. . With this skill and understanding behind, I will be able explore more complex models of energy systems and possibly attain a specialty in energy related appropriate technology.

Educational objectives[edit | edit source]

-To expand my knowledge and understanding of natural resources planning and interpretation. This will include knowing the theories of the natural resource conservation and natural resource policy and the applications of this knowledge through planning and interpretation. Having this lens to see the world will be very useful no matter what career I end up in. I hope to use the values in natural resource conservation to help me to solve some of the problems concering people, technology, and the environment.

-To comprehend theories and concepts behind appropriate technology and be able to apply these concepts into helping people and the environment. This will be a synthesis of engineering techniques, design, and environmental, political, and social values that will all help me in figuring out how we can solve some of the problems in the world today.

-To develop concrete skills in computer aided drawing. I will become skilled at various CAD software and 3d modeling programs including AutoCAD, Solid Works and Archicad. With this software, I will be prepared to create 3d models of existing or developing designs and synthesize the theories of natural resource conservation and appropriate technology into the design process.

-To know how energy is produced, and to understand it’s various applications. Most modern technologies are in some way related to energy. I will apply this knowledge to design more energy efficiency into technology. I will also use it as a tool for analyzing existing technologies to determine if they are appropriate for their intended purpose.

-To grow and learn on a holistic level utilizing all of the resources available to me in an ever increasing appreciation of the complex relationship between people, technology and the natural environment. I wish to use all of the knowledge gained from my education to do good in the world by improving this relationship.

List of Courses[edit | edit source]

Appropriate Technology[edit | edit source]

  • ENGR 114 Whole Earth Engineering (2)
  • ENGR 305 Appropriate Technology (3)
  • ENGR 308 Technology & the Environment (3)
  • PSCI 373 Politics of Sustainable Society (4)
  • PSCI 464 Technology & Development (4)
  • SOC 320 Social Ecology (4)

Design[edit | edit source]

  • IT 140. Technical Drawing & Computer-Aided Design (3)
  • IT 340 Architectural Design (3)
  • IT 345 Advanced Computer-Aided Design (3)

Energy[edit | edit source]

PHYX 106 College Physics: Mechanics & Heat (4) PHYX 107 College Physics: Electromagnetism & Modern Physics (4) ENVS 330 Energy Systems and Technology (3) and/or ENGR 370--Energy, Technology & Society (3)

Total Units: (40)

Ecology[edit | edit source]

FOR 231 Forest Ecology (3)

Land Management[edit | edit source]

FOR 315 Forest Management (3)

  • indicates that course has been completed or is in progress
    • All other core courses also to be completed
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