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Name Beefish/Rebecca Stark-Engr 215 Portfolio
Registered 2024


Picture of old Israeli reservoir

About Me[edit | edit source]

I am a student at Cal Poly Humboldt in Arcata, California and I am an Environmental Resource Engineering student. I was born and raised in Washington State in the town of Gig Harbor. I am very interested in water quality especially in Third World Countries. I hope to work on non-profit projects in developing countries after college and possibly even join the Peace Corps for two years. I am currently In the Dominican Republic on Practivistas Dominicana working on Appropriate Technology projects in poor communities in Santo Domingo. I love to travel and even spent half of my sophomore year of high school going to school in Israel. My skills include: math knowledge through calculus 3, college level English skills and two years of Environmental Engineering knowledge.

Major[edit | edit source]

Portfolio[edit | edit source]

  • For Engineering 215, I was part of the RainBeaus and we created a Rainwater Catchment system at Redwood Coast Montessori. Our design process and project work is linked here:Rainwater Catchment System
  • This Gantt Chart shows a sample of project planning software a Gantt Chart.
  • This is a sample of an Auto CAD Drawingusing CAD software.
  • This is a Sample Trip Memo a trip memo I created.
  • This is a Spread Sheetspread sheet I created.

Información en español[edit | edit source]

Nombre: Rebecca Stark
Teléfono en Santo Domingo: (829)778-7249 (o tu nivel de estudios, si no quieres compartir publico tu numero)
Dirección en Santo Domingo: Gaszcue (o tu zona, si no quieres compartir publico tu dirección)

Intereses en Tecnología Apropiada[edit | edit source]

  • Calidad Del Agua
  • Energía Solar

Experencia en Tecnología Apropiada[edit | edit source]

  • Ingeniería 215- Sistema de captación de agua de lluvia Construcción
  • La construcción de robot submarino (ROV )
  • Practivistas Dominicana
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