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Name Andy Schaub
Affiliations Michigan Technological University
Registered 2015
Impact 1,450
Contributions Open Source Hardware Enterprise Plastic Granulator

Andrew Schaub[edit | edit source]


I am a fourth year mechanical engineering undergraduate studying at Michigan Technological University. I am a part of the Open Source Hardware Enterprise where I am currently on a team designing and manufacturing a shredder that takes recyclables and old 3D prints and shreds them into small particles that can be used by a recyclebot to turn it back into printer filament.

Below are my current and past projects.

SPRING 2016 SEMESTER[edit | edit source]


This semester I was a part of the C3 shredder team. The members on the team this semester were Peter Gorecki Lucas Wilder, and myself. The beginning of the semester was about putting the shredder together. The shredder was fully assembled around week nine. After the completion of the shredder the group tested the design and if possible, made quick fixes to the design. The rest of the semester was preparing for, producing, and completing a final report for the shredder and competing in the enterprise expo.

Next semester the team is looking to refine the design and make it more easily manufactured and cheaper to by the materials to produce it.

FALL 2015 SEMESTER[edit | edit source]


This semester I was a part is the C3 shredder team. The members that were on the team were Peter Gorecki, Lucas Wilder, and myself. At the beginning of the semester we spent time finding out what current processes were used to shred plastic and what design would be feasible for our team to design, manufacture, and perfect in the two semesters we are funded. By week seven of the fall semester we had a design we could work off of in the freeCAD 3D modeling software and started to order the raw materials to produce the parts we needed. From week seven until the end of the semester our team worked on getting all of our parts machined by ourselves and if we could not machine certain parts ourselves, we sent out requests to outside vendors to have them machined.

Due to the long lead time from the vendor we chose to purchase our rotary blades from we could not start to assemble the shredder this fall semester. However, all of the parts we need (blade bed, rotary blades, and screen) are scheduled to be delivered to us by the time we get back for the beginning of the spring semester. So, once we get back we can get right to work on assembling the prototype and soon after, start testing the machine with old 3D prints.

The Approdedia page for the shredder can be found here.

SPRING 2015 SEMESTER[edit | edit source]


This semester I was a part of the mechanical team for the lasersaur. The members that were on the mechanical team were Olin Johnson, Steve Abramczyk, and myself. The frame was the only thing assembled that we had to work off of at the beginning of the semester. One of the first things done by the team was to find what parts we had and what we needed and created a list of parts to order. Once all of the parts were ordered and shipped the team aligned the laser arm so it moved parallel to the frame. The next milestone passed was assembling and focusing the optics for the laser beam. Also, the water chiller was purchased and installed on the laser. The final major milestone completed by the mechanical team was the installation of the ventilation holes for the system. The mechanical team also assisted in the installment of the air hose hookups to each mirror mount.

There are only a couple steps left before the lasersaur will be fully functional. The first step is to have the electrical team program the beagle bone to control the system, The next is to find a place to store the lasersaur where there will be an air hookup and a fume hood for it to use.

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