Transporting patients entails risk. It requires good communication, planning and appropriate staffing. Any patient who requires transportation must be stabilised before departure. As a general principle, patients should be transported only if they are going to a facility that can provide a higher level of care.
Principles of Safe Transfer[edit | edit source]
Planning and Preparation[edit | edit source]
Includes consideration of:
- The type of transport (car, 4WD, boat etc.)
- The staff to accompany the patient
- The equipment and supplies required during the journey for routine and emergency treatment
- Plan this, and think about problems which could arise, using ABCDE
- Potential complications
- The monitoring and final packaging of the patient
Communication[edit | edit source]
Effective communication is essential with:
- The receiving centre
- The transport service
- Escorting staff
- The patient and relatives
Stabilisation[edit | edit source]
Effective stabilisation requires:
- Prompt initial resuscitation
- Control of haemorrhage and maintenance of the circulation
- Immobilisation of fractures
- Analgesia
Reassessment[edit | edit source]
Remember: if the patient deteriorates, re-evaluate with a primary survey, checking and treating life-threatening conditions, then make a careful assessment focussing on the affected system.
Note: Be prepared: if anything can go wrong it will, and at the worst possible time.