Talk:Incentives for sustainability
Add topicLatest comment: 17 years ago by Chriswaterguy in topic Landlords, tenants, efficiency and efficiency standards
Landlords, tenants, efficiency and efficiency standards[edit source]
Letter in CrikeyW, 2 May 2007:
- Simon Rumble writes: What incentive does my landlord have to install insulation to cut down my heating bills? Solar hot water? Even an energy-efficient hot water system? Of course he has absolutely no interest in such things. This is where the market fails and regulation has to come in. We need minimum standards for buildings (as opposed to the gutted BASIXW standards), lighting and appliances. The fact you can still buy incredibly inefficient fridges should be the easiest thing to solve. My aunt recently built a new house on a new housing estate on the north coast of NSW. I was amazed when I walked around the estate to find that not a single one of the houses had solar hot water. Why? It's not a requirement for new builds. Incredible!...