Add topicLatest comment: 12 years ago by Chriswaterguy in topic Links
Links[edit source]
These links were taken out, they clog the article too much. Perhaps some can be reincluded, others moved to other pages -- —The preceding unsigned comment was added by KVDP, 3 October 2012
- I've gone through this list (added below by KVDP) and added comments in italics. Where I considered a link "dealt with" for good or bad, I gave it a strikethrough. I also added better titles and descriptions to some.
- My judgements are not final, and I haven't looked at the other links which were left on the article. Chriswaterguy 05:07, 23 October 2012 (UTC)
- The best common errors and best practices section ever. - Looks intelligent and useful, but I haven't made a thorough assessment. Putting back, without the "best ever" hubris.
The EPA on water.Too broad.Greywater for Trees and Landscape by Art Ludwig on Good. Can stay on the article until we have a separate Greywater for agroforestry article. - Check out their pollution page.- some useful design info and diagrams. Putting the homepage link back.Safe Use of Household Greywater, College of Agriculture and Home Economics New Mexico State University.This is good - moving to article.- These California standards links belong on a more specific page, Greywater in California:
- 3/29/07 LA Times article on Grey water's red tape
- Focuses on Subsurface Drip Irrigation and Mini-Leachfield in California
- 1997 Revised California Graywater Standards (pdf)
- Main changes:
- Use in commercial, industrial and multifamily projects is now acceptable (and procedures for estimating discharge in those environments are now included). Whereas before only single family homes were allowed.
- One irrigation zone is now acceptable. Whereas before two were required.
- Filters are now sized based on filtration rate. Whereas before a 1 inch filter was prescribed.
- Main changes:
- California Revised Greywater Code (html)
- 3/29/07 LA Times article on Grey water's red tape
- Graywater Reuse and Rainwater Harvesting, Colorado State University - Seems good - worth a look by anyone expanding this area on Appropedia; relevant to a potential Greywater in Colorado article.
- Chapter 9 of the Humanure Handbook - anecdotal and meandering in style - no doubt worth a look by a serious student. What do we do with content like this - recruit a volunteer to distil the good bits?
Guide to Greywater- good, but this particular page is quite basic. Leaving out.Constructed wetlands by Bruce Lesikar (Extension Agricultural Engineering Specialist, the Texas A&M University System)- looks good, better on constructed wetlands, so I'll place it there.