Viewing medical device data[edit source]

This is our first use of Semantic MediaWiki, so it's a valuable case study for Appropedia.

I added a section at the end of the page, Viewing medical device data, linking Browse data: Medical Devices. There's already a link to it in the intro, but that will be more obvious to someone skimming the article.

It's also possible to view the pages in tables, e.g. at Tuberculosis Medical Devices. I find this easier and quicker to take in, but it's a slightly clunky if we have to link separate pages for each kind of medical device. What do others find? And is there a better way that I've missed? --Chriswaterguy 06:01, 17 April 2012 (UTC)Reply[reply]

World Health Organization?[edit source]

What's the relationship to the annual WHO Compendium of innovative health technologies? (For "innovative health technologies for low-resource settings")

I presume that there have been some conversations, seeing as this project was presented at a WHO conference (I think). What are the prospects of working together with the WHO on this, to be the definitive online compendium? --Chriswaterguy 18:16, 15 December 2012 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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