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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
23:28, 21 March 2011 IMG 0139-2.JPG (file) 105 KB fixing sails on deck in Puerto Vallarta 1
22:11, 24 April 2010 T depend on dollars.jpg (file) 44 KB demonstration of greenhouse viability as a function of temperature 1
20:55, 24 April 2010 Yellow spray foam filling cracks.jpg (file) 17 KB after securing the greenhouse to the wall, fill all the gaps, window filler works great, but if not use soil mud, sludge anything to keep the heat in! 1
20:44, 24 April 2010 Building greenhouse after hoist.jpg (file) 104 KB better upload 2
20:35, 24 April 2010 2 FILMS ON AND LOOSE.jpg (file) 84 KB the greenhouse midbuild 1
20:30, 24 April 2010 Window sill before installation was measured for dimentions and a drawing was created.jpg (file) 104 KB my window sill before and ... 1
20:24, 24 April 2010 All 3 PVC shels on.jpg (file) 17 KB after double sided taping and continuing the process until all the sheets are ||check to the right... 1
20:20, 24 April 2010 1 film side on.jpg (file) 16 KB after the first side is attached to the greenhouse shell. 1
20:13, 24 April 2010 Stability brace bar.jpg (file) 12 KB the bare bones wooden structure of the greenhouse through build stages 1
19:22, 24 April 2010 GreenhouseV2 h.pdf (file) 30 KB updated so no error vector, producing 2 more 3d graphs, additions are Q cost (so only printing Q values that cost money), and the second graph is $ at months and times. 2
19:12, 24 April 2010 Qin.jpg (file) 20 KB All the heat influx to the system, as done by e. 1
18:55, 24 April 2010 Dimensions of GH.jpg (file) 13 KB dimensions of greenhouse drawn through google sketch up 1
18:41, 24 April 2010 Average april day.jpg (file) 47 KB cost of electricity for an average april day to support an isothermal greenhouse at, figures and dollars are in Canadian Dollars, CAD, dated April 23/10. Created using data from Queen's University Live Building (ILC - Beamish Munroe) using experimental h 1
18:34, 24 April 2010 Cost of an affordable greenhouse per month.jpg (file) 44 KB Here are the costs that were calculated for an affordable greenhouse. This is based on an assumed average cost of electricity of $0.08/kWh and the watts per hour provided in the accompanied a excel file. 1
18:12, 24 April 2010 Heat movement through system.jpg (file) 13 KB just heat losses through greenhouse broken down into x, y, z components. Disregard the separation of component, for the used energy balance did not consider the separation for the tiled side (front panel) 1
17:56, 24 April 2010 Workinghardandmeasuring.png (file) 1.27 MB photo of the team working hard, while one of the members is measuring alone 1
17:30, 24 April 2010 Canadian tire.jpg (file) 31 KB where you go to shop for North American made Appropriate Technology parts 1
17:12, 24 April 2010 Dollars-hour for day.jpg (file) 106 KB function showing the $ per hour of the day sum. Notice as conditions become hotter, when sun is up at noon and when it is summer the greenhouse cost is zero - this is when you want to have it installed by. 1
13:07, 24 April 2010 World Ecological Footprint.png (file) 84 KB sourced from 1
12:33, 24 April 2010 3600sol - Copy.jpg (file) 32 KB solar radiation to the ILC graphed in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Queen's University Canada, computer cluster - using MatLab April/10 1
12:28, 24 April 2010 Watts per year required.jpg (file) 32 KB little smaller 2
15:55, 23 April 2010 Thebuildteam.jpg (file) 67 KB thanks for the help! 1
07:01, 22 April 2010 GreenhousefromROOM.jpg (file) 96 KB View from my room looking out, plants in soil. 1
06:57, 22 April 2010 GreenhouseCLOSEUP.jpg (file) 72 KB Greenhouse zoomed 1
06:54, 22 April 2010 GreenhouseFROMroad.JPG (file) 116 KB Greenhouse from the outside of my house, smaller file size 2
18:38, 14 April 2010 Meandmygreenhouse.jpg (file) 195 KB 2nd edition 1
18:31, 14 April 2010 Meandgreenhouse.jpg (file) 213 KB Me and a greenhouse 1
15:40, 10 March 2010 Soft Technologies, Hard Choices PART 1.pdf (file) 4.26 MB AT Sourcebook Article in the Local Self Reliance Category Full Text of "Soft Technologies, Hard Choices" by: Colin Norman Publisher: Worldwatch Institute, see for more information ***note: this is just part I, part II is also available 1
15:36, 10 March 2010 Soft Technologies, Hard Choices PART2.pdf (file) 4.75 MB AT Sourcebook Article from the Local Self Reliance Category Full Text of "Soft Technologies, Hard Choices" by: Colin Norman Publisher: Worldwatch Institute, see for more information ***note: this is just part II, part I is also availab 1
20:37, 9 March 2010 Local Responses to Global Problems.pdf (file) 3.64 MB Local_Responses_to_Global_Problems AT Sourcebook Article, by Bruce Stokes, Publisher: Worldwatch Institute, 1
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