This guide was developed to show the user what guidelines to follow when making a video o taking a photo to uploaded as visual resources on Appropedia.

Crafting a compelling video script and adhering to effective photo guidelines are foundational components of producing visually engaging and technically multimedia content. Here, users will learn how to formulate a persuasive video script that encompasses essential elements such as narrative, structure, and dialogue precision. At the same time, essential photographic guidelines covering technical aspects such as composition, exposure and focal lenght will be provided to ensure that images are tehnically sound.

Video[edit | edit source]

Videos represent a very important tool for those organizing training events, such as meetings or classroom courses, so it’s essential to know how to evaluate the quality of a video.

For a video to be truly communicative it should follow this criteria:

  1. The audio can’t be ambient because the listener will have a hard time understanding the intervention of the speaker. This problem can be solved in post-production with special tools that allow you to reduce the environmental effect.
  2. If the course takes place without an audience, you just need a front camera to record what you’re doing or saying. If, on the other hand, an audience is present, another camera will be needed to follow their interventions.
  3. If you’re doing a monologue, it is recommendable to have slides or graphics to support the video. A good video must use short texts with a readable font and adequate size.

To produce the best quality videos for your training events, consider the following strategies:

  • High-Resolution Video: Use a camera capable of capturing high-resolution video, preferably 1080p or higher, for crisp, clear visuals.
  • Professional Lighting: Invest in adequate lighting equipment to ensure well-lit recordings. Proper lighting eliminates shadows and enhances the overall video quality.
  • Quality Microphone: Audio quality is paramount. Acquire a high-quality external microphone to capture clear and professional-sounding audio.
  • Steady Footage: To avoid shaky and unsteady footage, use a tripod or stabilizer for your camera. Smooth, stable video enhances the viewer's experience.
  • Script and Rehearsal: Script your content and rehearse your delivery. A well-prepared script and polished presentation reduce errors and ensure a coherent message.
  • Visual Aids: Use high-quality graphics, images, and slides to support your content. Well-designed visuals enhance engagement.
  • Optimal File Formats: Save your videos in formats that maintain quality, such as MP4 or MOV, for online sharing.Let's see some basic practical advices:
  • Know the subject. Decide your field of interest, document yourself, study, deepen and share your know-how. You don’t need to be an expert.
  • Write a storyboard. That way you will have a schematic view of the things to say and the topics to be covered.
  • Be brief. A couple of minutes maximum.
  • Use neutral backgrounds. A blank wall is ideal.
  • If you want to use a software, choose the right one.
  • Pay attention to the audio. The video is only part of your tutorial. Audio is equally important and must be perfect.
  • Use subtitles and write down what you say. Sometimes video tutorials are often watched in contexts where audio is not possible: at work, on public transport, in the midst of other people, etc. This is much appreciated by users.
  • Use background music only if necessary and, above all, copyright free. This is a good site for finding open licensed music.
  • Use the right tone: you don't need to be too formal but you don't have to be too conversational. Avoid starting all your videos shouting "HELLO GUYS"! Especially if you want professional results.
  • Spend some time on video editing. Nobody is perfect and it can happen to make mistakes while you’re explaining something. Editing a video is an important part of the job. Cut, shrink, change colors, add effects.
  • Index your video. If you upload it to Youtube, carefully study the text and keywords to enter in the boxes. People will find your video based on what you write there.

Social Media[edit | edit source]

When you watch a video on your social networks, on what device do you do it? Probably on your smartphones like the vast majority of people today, which is why in recent years the format for such content has taken an incredible 90º turn to make way for vertical video, the new trend on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

One of the benefits (or consequences of new technologies) is that vertical videos work better many times than horizontal formats. So, when making a video for your project, it’s important to take a few things into account.

Most people use their smartphones to access social networks and the Internet, which is why vertical content is more natural and comfortable than horizontal content on a smartphone.

Phones are designed to be used in this position, and it's no wonder social media is tailored for it. Vertical format content is associated with the dynamism of social networks and smartphones.

Important metrics:

  • Facebook is permissive on the length of videos; however, we recommend not to exceed 15-30 seconds.
  • Instagram only supports video content up to 60 seconds long, and anything longer than that goes to IGTV, which most users stay away from. Additionally, Instagram Reels, a popular feature, allows for short-form videos up to 60 seconds, making it a great option for creative and engaging content.
  • Twitter is generous in terms of video length, permitting users to upload clips up to 2 minutes and 20 seconds.
  • LinkedIn’s maximum length for a native video is 10 minutes. However, the optimum length is usually much shorter.

Video Script Template[edit | edit source]

Title: [Title of the technology or project]


  • Welcome the audience and introduce the video's topic.
  • Explain the purpose of the technology or project.
  • Provide a brief overview of its relevance and potential impact.

Section 1: Background Information

  • Offer a concise history of the technology or project.
  • Describe the problem it aims to address.
  • Acknowledge any key contributors or involved organizations.

Section 2: Key Features

  • Detail the primary components and features of the technology.
  • Explain how these features function together.
  • Emphasize any distinctive or innovative aspects.

Section 3: Benefits and Applications

  • Explore the practical applications of the technology.
  • Discuss how it benefits communities or the environment.
  • If available, showcase examples or case studies.

Section 4: Assembly and Usage

  • Demonstrate the assembly and usage of the technology.
  • Present clear, step-by-step instructions or utilize visuals.
  • Highlight any safety precautions or maintenance requirements.

Section 5: Impact and Sustainability

  • Examine the social and environmental impact of the technology.
  • Address its long-term sustainability and scalability.
  • Share any success stories or challenges faced.

Section 6: Additional Resources

  • Provide links, references, or resources for further information.
  • Encourage viewers to visit Appropedia for in-depth details.

Photo[edit | edit source]

Photographs play an important role in documentation for several compelling reasons. First and foremost, they offer a visual context that can provide a deeper understanding of the subject matter. When documenting a process, project or any visual information, photos serve as valuable complement to written descriptions, making it easier for the audience to grasp the content.

When capturing photos for documentation, certain criteria must be met:

  • Photos must include clarity and resolution to ensure that the details are discernible.
  • Appropiate framing to focus on the subject.
  • Proper lighting to avoid overexposure or underexposure.
  • An acurrate representarion of colors and proportions.
  • Photos should be well-organized, labeled, and acoompanied by metadata, making them easily retrievable and identifiable.

To produce the best quality photos for your training events or documentation, consider the following strategies:

  1. Planning. Before taking photos, have a clear understanding of what needs to be documented and plan your shots accordingly.
  2. Angle and Perspective. Consider different angles and perspectives to capture the subject comprehensively, including close-ups, wide shots, and overhead views.
  3. Lighting. Ensure even, natural lighting, or use artificial lighting when necessary to avoid shadows and ensure accurate color representation.
  4. Stability. Use a tripod or stable support to avoid camera shake, especially in low light conditions.
  5. Focus. Ensure the subject is in sharp focus and avoid blurry or out-of-focus images.
  6. Consistency. Maintain a consistent style and format for all photos to make the documentation more coherent.

Let's see some basic practical advices:

  • Use the right equipment. Invest in a good-quality camera or smartphone with a decent camera for better results.
  • Clean your lens. Wipe the camera lens regularly to avoid smudges and dirt affecting photo quality.
  • Rule of thirds. Compose your photos using the rule of thirds for a balanced and visually pleasing layout.
  • Capture details. Pay attention to small details as they can be crucial for documentation.
  • Avoid Distractions. Remove any distracting elements from the frame that are not relevant to the subject.
  • Safety first. When documenting potentially hazardous conditions, prioritize safety by wearing appropriate gear and taking necessary precautions.
  • Back up your photos. Always back up your photos to prevent loss and ensure they remain accessible for future reference.

Photo Guidelines[edit | edit source]

Frontal Photo:

  • A well-lit, clear photo of the technology or project from the front.

Side Photo:

  • A side view to display additional details or angles of the technology.

Assembly Photos:

  • Step-by-step photos illustrating the assembly process, if applicable.

Usage Photos:

  • Images demonstrating the technology in action or during use.

Close-up Photos:

  • Detailed shots of crucial components or features.

Diagrams and Schematics:

  • Visual representations, including diagrams, schematics, or labeled parts.

Safety Precaution Photos:

  • When relevant, include images of safety precautions and warnings.

Environmental Context:

  • Photos revealing the technology's interaction with the environment or community.

People Using the Technology:

  • Photos of individuals or groups using the technology in real-life settings.

Before-and-After Photos:

  • If applicable, include before and after images to highlight the impact.

Labels and Annotations:

  • Add labels or annotations to photos to clarify key elements.


  • Ensure all photos are well-composed, clear, and of high resolution.

Creative Commons License:

  • Whenever possible, encourage contributors to license photos under Creative Commons for sharing and reuse.
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