Appropedia:Release Your Knowledge Initiative
Initial question - is someone already doing something that we should join, or is this worth doing as a new campaign focused on human development and environmental applications?
Provisional steward: Chriswaterguy
Blogger(s): Chriswaterguy - & we will recruit bloggers on partner and related projects.
- Potential: CC, GNU, OKF, Publish What you Fund, EWB & ESW branches, OER and aid groups that would benefit.
- Confirmed:
Target launch date: No specific urgency, but success in this will have a critical impact on Appropedia's growth, via availability of source content. The sooner we start the greater the benefit.
- Suggestion: find the partner liaison volunteer, then allow one month for initial contact of partner orgs, 1 month for making draft plan, then set a launch date (at least one month further along, to allow for fine-tuning.
Talking points: (Make a note whenever a post, tweet, etc, is done on a particular talking point so that we can make sure that each point gets covered over time.)
- Choose a suitable name for the campaign - self-explanatory and if possible make it catchy. Publish What You Fund[1] ("The Global Campaign for Aid Transparency") as example for a similar project. Emphasize release - not just "Publish What you Know" as material may already be published, but not very usable due to online availability and license restrictions.
- Lobby govts and NGO with valuable content to release under an open license.
- Seek ideas for promoting open content.
Specific action requests: (Examples below.)
- Tell us about partners and projects we should be aware of by clicking (add link).
- Site notices asking for input and participation...
- Tell potential interns about the program
- Help design a Release Your Knowledge portal at Portal:Release Your Knowledge
- Apply for a three month stint as the "Release Your Knowledge Steward" or one of the other volunteers.
Specific volunteer positions sought:
- Technical volunteer: We will need ways for people to easily stay informed, participate and ask questions - forum, mailing list. If we don't already have a solution (e.g. MailPress and BuddyPress) by the time of launch, we will want a dedicated tech volunteer.
- Marketer/editor
- Partner liaison
- Content owner liaison: develop copy/concepts/email drafts... (Chriswaterguy has done some and can do more, but we'd like to have someone with some understanding of licenses and marketing for this position.)
Available resources:
- Much has already been written, by Stallman, Lessig, Wales and others (pls add links).
- Examples of related campaigns that we can learn from:
- "Bebaskan Pengetahuan" (Release Knowledge) by Siska Doviana and Wikimedia Indonesia.
- Publish What You Fund[2] ("The Global Campaign for Aid Transparency")
- University courses in international development, intellectual property, sustainability, information management may have students who are interested and capable as volunteers.
Links to key pages:
- (placeholder for link to blog post that will announce the initiative. update this at launch time.)