Appropedia:External referrals
The following is a list of mentions of Appropedia such as university pages, libraries and other resource listings.
Educational institutions that recommend Appropedia as a resource[edit | edit source]
This is a list of educational institutions that recommend Appropedia as a resource for information, a tool for collaboration and documentation on OSAT, sustainable development, and others.
- MIT libraries LibGuides: Using MIT Libraries - 2.76: Global Engineering - LibGuides at MIT Libraries
- Humboldt State University Library: Environmental Studies - Open Educational Resources (OER) - Research Guides at Humboldt State University
- University of Technology Sidney Library: 31265 Communications for IT Professionals: Project | Guides | UTS Library
- Sullivan University LibGuides: Home - Advanced Manufacturing Technology Resource Guide - Research Guides at Sullivan University
- Benguet State University Library & Information Services: Open Educational Resources (Embedded LibGuides) | Benguet State University Library & Information Services
- Central Community College LibGuides: More OERs by Subject - Open Access Educational Resources - Research Guides at Central Community College
- City University of Hong Kong LibGuides: Avoiding copyright infringement - Copyright for Student Filmmakers - Research Guides at City University of Hong Kong
- Zuyd Bibliotheek: Kenniscentra en Websites - Engineering - LibGuides at Zuyd University
- Colorado State University Libraries: Home - Impact MBA - Research Guides at Colorado State University Fort Collins
- Oxford LibGuides: Open Educational Resources (OER) - Copyright & COVID-19: Help & Resources - Oxford LibGuides at Oxford University
- The University of the West Indies LibGuides: Beyond Google - Managing Information for Research - LibGuides at The University of the West Indies
- Stony Brook University Libraries: Appropedia for Sustainable Development | Stony Brook University Libraries
- GDEE: Survival in the Desert Sun
- Buckminster Fuller Institute: Education / Communication | The Buckminster Fuller Institute
- University of Jos - Nigeria: Open Access Resources | University of Jos Library
Sites that recommend Appropedia as a resource for information and collaboration[edit | edit source]
This is a list of sites that recommend Appropedia as a resource for information, collaboration, projects, or documentation on OSAT, sustainable development, and others.
As a resource for OSAT and Sustainable Development[edit | edit source]
- Guardian development network: 3D printing could offer developing world savings on replica lab kit
- Goodstuff Master Audio Feed: I Have No Idea What I'm Doing 47: S00:E04 - "Permaculture"
- Mashable: GREEN LIVING TOOLBOX: 80+ Green Sites
- shareable: Open Source Recipes to Make Social Innovations More Shareable - Shareable Lilian Ricaud
- Ecosistema Urbano: Appropedia | sharing sustainability
- Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing Press: List of online encyclopedias | Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing - eBooks World Heritage Encyclopedia
- iied: Participatory learning and action iied
- Change Underground: 38 #worldorganicnews
- The Earthbound Report: The future’s bright, the future’s low tech, Jeremy Williams
- Technology for learners: Appropriate technology in education, Will Fastiggi
- The OLPC Wiki: Health content - OLPC
- Earth future: Seven Ideas to Tackle Climate Change Guy Dauncey
- The Gupta Option: The Future of Poverty
- The Spirit of Live Food: Links To Friends Of CHI – Robert Morgan, Naturopath
- Rafael Reinehr: Recursos educacionais abertos na aprendizagem informal e no autodidatismo Rafael Reinehr
- Calafou: Appropedia la enciclopedia de soluciones colaborativas sostenibles
- EXTINCT.LY: Case Studies
- The Design Ocean: Design Resources – The Design Ocean
- Farmhack Blog: Food List #46: Appropriate Technology
- UN Volunteers: Appropedia Foundation
- Conference series: Sustainability Conferences International Conferences
- Ecobasa: Links
- The Growing Dutchman: Resources
- Habiter Autrement: Open-Source - DIY
- Inspired Public: Education
- Water Consortium: Escuelas Azules | Catálogo de Tecnologías
- Open Acces Directory: Research wikis - Open Access Directory -
- Citizen Science Association: Ethics Working Group: Resources
- Green Media: Green Media - Most Helpful Resources
- Free Knowledge Institute: Selected Readings on Digital DIY Wouter
- Engineers Australia: Interest Groups & Associations - Humanitarian Engineering Community
- Americares | Medical Outreach: Other Valuable Resources | Americares Medical Outreach Exchange
- Günesköy: Links
- Nonlethal Security for Peace Campaign: Links | Nonlethal Security for Peace Campaign
- Voice of transition: Links » Voices of Transition
- Green New World: Links
- Echo Community: Appropedia Collaborative Solutions
- Eco Village: Solution Library Guidelines - Definitions, Policies, Clarifications
- Association of Internet Research Specialists: Internet Information Resource Book - Guid to Search Engines ,Directories ,Online Archives - Issuu
- Non Profit List: | California, CA
- Ekopedia Wiki: Ekopedia:Appropedia/Vision, Mission et Valeurs communes — Ekopedia
- Open Source Imaging: Syringe Pump Library
- SamSam Water: Library
- Idealist:
- Open Knowledge Foundation: Appropedia: open knowledge for sustainability and development Jonathan Gray
- Future of Life Institute: Featured Archives
- Post Growth Alliance: Post Growth Alliance
- Yan Golding: United Earth ‘Inspire the World’ Initiatives | by Yan Golding | Medium
- Mid-Atlantic Gardening: Garden Planning - Mid-Atlantic Gardening Stacey
- RepRap: OSAT
- PC Mag: Citizen Science: Do Try This at Home | PCMag Michelle Donahue
- Research Information Ltd: RIL: Links page
- Convivial Tools: 1 Appropriate Technology - Convivial Tools
- Richard Fletcher: rfletch0
- EWB Challenge: Appropriate Technology
For Peer to Peer learning and Documentation[edit | edit source]
- (GIZ) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit: Find Hubs for Commons-Based Peer-Production
- The Integrated Assessment Society: Links
- 100 Under $100: Resources | 100 under $100 Betsy Teutsch
- L'habiter environnemental: Y. Rumpala à la journée du réseau AC/DD
- diid: Open source e proprietà intellettuale. Aprire o difendere, Carla Langella
- Commons Law Project: Imagining a New Architecture of Law and Policy to Support the Ecological Commons
- Hypotheses: L'habiter environnemental – une nouvelle approche de et pour l'aménagement durable Yannick Rumpala
- Physics World: Technology whose time has come
- P2P Foundation: Appropedia
- Knowledge Knowledge Commons .de » knowledge sharing Freedom to learn
- knowledge commons .de: Compendium of hubs for commons-based peer production 4Dev