Template:New wiki WinWinWiki

This Wiki is founded on the concepts articulated by Robert Wright in his book, Nonzero. In short, the key concept in Nonzero is that groups of people, over time, tends to engage in "win-win" behavior with each other. That is, humanity is not engaged in a purely "zero sum" situation. Instead, there are "win-win" (as well as "lose-lose") options available, and that, over time, the groups that tend to find the "win-win" options have an advantage over those groups that choose "win-lose" (zero sum) behaviors, and even bigger advantages over the "lose-lose" groups.

In addition to the inherent win-win that all healthy wikis provide to their communities (a useful tool requiring relatively little investment), the mission of WinWinWiki is to provide a complete, community-maintained, web-based tool for identifying and delivering yet-to-be-adopted world scale win-win arrangements, situations and outcomes. Possible examples of win-win outcomes are: sustainable development, the elimination of abject poverty, non-violent dispute / conflict resolution, elimination of terrorism, and expansion of human rights. The full list will be defined by the community. A key part of the larger vision of the wiki is to connect the academics and theorists, the visionaries and leaders, the existing organizations, and the willing but potentially uninformed lay volunteer community.

In addition to gathering and building a list of desired outcomes, this wiki will also gather the associated actions needed to deliver the outcomes (starting at a high level and working down to details). Additionally, the wiki will host the rationale (rhetoric, philosophy) behind the outcomes as well as the methods for achieving the outcomes. Lastly, the wiki will provide tools (pages and links) to help an army of volunteers categorize their own philosophies and skill sets and preferences in order to support effective searching.

It seems probable that different groups within the community will promote the same actions for different reasons, or may recommend different courses of action to achieve one agreed outcome. That's okay. E

Naturally, certain key policies and guidelines are required if WinWinWiki is to develop as needed to identify and deliver win-win results, and you should assume that for the most part, the proven P's and G's from Wikipedia will apply here unless otherwise note. Here are some of the policies and guidelines that have been identified as worthy of explicit notice:

  • Include all significant points of view. This will mean that there will likely be some conflicting points of view.

    From Scratchpad, a Wikia wiki.
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