(rearrange; edit headers; rm dead open design link)
(→‎Not directly related: rm out of place activeworlds wikia, (virtual reality not activism))
Line 97: Line 97:
The '''''[[wikia:activism:Main_Page|Activism]]''''' Wikia is a place for sharing  
The '''''[[wikia:activism:Main_Page|Activism]]''''' Wikia is a place for sharing information about all forms of activism.
information about all forms of activism.
The '''''[[wikia:activeworlds:Main Page|Active Worlds]]''''' Wikia is about the virtual reality
Active Worlds community.
The '''''[[wikia:search:Main_Page|Search]]''''' Wikia accompanies the development of the  
The '''''[[wikia:search:Main_Page|Search]]''''' Wikia accompanies the development of the  
Wikia search engine, an open source search engine with user
Wikia search engine, an open source search engine with user editable search results.
editable search results.
The search index is being created using the Wikiasari  
The search index is being created using the Wikiasari  

Revision as of 15:16, 9 August 2006

Other WikiNodes


Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, while Appropedia is for non-encyclopedic material - they complement each other. While Wikipedia doesn't have project information or how-tos, it does have a growing collection of information on topics including:

If you want to contribute to Wikipedia articles, you may want to check out these collaborations:

Wikis on similar themes

Some wikis are so similar that we'd probably be best to merge and combine our efforts. These include:

Wikis on themes of development and sustainability:

Ecovillage wiki is a site for exchanging information and ideas about ecovillages in particular, and sustainable community in general. This Wikia will facillitate ecovillages to develop regional and global networks. It provides a place for individual ecovillages to edit relevant documents and for individuals in different geographic locations to collaborate. It will also be a knowledge base for people to learn about ecovillages generally, or about a particular ecovillage. http://ecovillage.wikia.com/

G. Knowledge is the definitive repository of green knowledge. G.Knowledge will bring together the collective knowledge of green thinking people throughout the world to produce a collective memory to take from and to deposit the deep knowledge of the world. The success of a greener, happier, safer, friendlier, cleaner, more productive world relies on passing on the knowledge of green minded individuals and their collective wisdoms. Green Knowledge is not a commodity, it's a necessity." Note this is not actually a wikia, but directs people to their page. http://gknowledge.wikia.com/

Sustainable Community Action, or SCA21, is a Wikia to develop information on all aspects of local sustainability, particularly community run action for sustainability. As well as providing a Local Sustainability Ideas Bank, the site contains a shared work space for developing ideas for networking, both virtual and real world, for local sutainability action across the UK. http://sca21.wikia.com/

How tos

There may be some overlap between ours and these wikis:

How To Engineer It will be a comprehensive encyclopaedia of technology which answers questions about how to make modern products in the natural environment from scratch. http://howto.wikia.com/

wikiHow The How-To Manual That Anyone Can Write or Edit http://www.wikihow.com/Main-Page

Not directly related

These wikis may be useful (e.g. research tools) or involve likeminded people (activist sites).

The Wikia for Campaigns recently set up by Jimbo Wales, aims to explore new ways of doing politics and campaigns. http://campaigns.wikia.com/

The Wikia for World Citizenship, Global Justice and Global Governance aims to create a new space for publishing and discussing opinion articles on topics related to world citizenship, global justice & global governance. The wiki is construed as a combination of an open journal, a thematic non-neutral encyclopedia and an open discussion forum. Although it is expected to attract people from the world citizenship and global justice movement, the wiki welcomes all sorts of opinions, statements and comments provided with respect for each other position. http://worldcitizen.wikia.com/

The Activism Wikia is a place for sharing information about all forms of activism. http://activism.wikia.com/

The Search Wikia accompanies the development of the Wikia search engine, an open source search engine with user editable search results. The search index is being created using the Wikiasari http://search.wikia.com/index.php/Wikiasari software, which is currently in a beta version. This Wikia serves as a sounding board for ideas and development, and a place for the search community to discuss the project. http://search.wikia.com/

The Translation Wikia is for collaborative translations of free texts and fair use extracts. The wiki also provides a meeting space with information about translation, and from translators. Information and discussion on the theory and techniques of translation will be included. http://translation.wikia.com/

Censorship is a Wikia which will provide official and unofficial accounts on censorship, particularly internet censorship in areas such as Iran, so that international observers and activists have a better picture about the situation of freedom of information. The wiki is a space to gather information and analysis on effective ways to bypass censorship. http://censorship.wikia.com/

Future is a Wikia about futurology, technology foresight, and futures studies. This wiki aims to develop future forecasts (using scenarios, timelines, etc.), and to write speculative articles on future topics. The wiki's logo is a combination of a nanogear and the A molecule, which signifies the importance of nanotech and biotech. The "wikia: " brackets show that it's a wiki. http://future.wikia.com/

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