Thanks and spelling

Hi Munimortal,

Thank you for your recent edits. Please note that it is usually bad form to edit the spelling of another person's interpersonal communication. Therefore, please avoid editing user and talk pages.

Thanks! --Lonny 15:13, 21 March 2011 (PDT)

My mistake, I will be more careful in the future. --Munimortal 15:15, 21 March 2011 (PDT)

Thanks from me too - just noticed all the good fixes you've been making. --Chriswaterguy 22:28, 21 March 2011 (PDT)

Thank you Munimortal.

Hi Munimortal,

Thank you for activating my talk page. Belive it or not, last night I was thinking of activating it and inviting visitors to join a discussion. You are really a MUNI. Thats why you realised what I contemplated. I was also thinking of seeking the opinion of Chris on adding a section in the main page to alert visitors, who are not conversant with Appropedia, to use the Talk Page. Chandragiriyan

Tech intern team...

Hi Munimortal,

I've put together a page at Appropedia:Tech Interns, mid-2011 - looks like we've got some supportive people, and at least one other tech intern (User:Tahnok). Now that you're focusing more on tech work, you might like to be a part of that.

Perhaps you'd be interested in sharing what you're up to with the banner, on the talk page there - especially if you're stuck or want feedback.

Keep up the good work! --Chriswaterguy 09:58, 26 April 2011 (PDT)

Dev wiki


I'm the other tech intern for the summer it seems. Hope we can collaborate on some of the bigger wiki tasks.

Chriswaterguy mentioned we should get in touch over the dev wiki. I want to try and get [[1]] working to prevent spambots from registering new accounts. Might this interfere with anything you're up to? Tahnok 08:33, 3 May 2011 (PDT)

No that will not interfere with what I am working on. I am making some cosmetic changes, and adding a bit of code, but it will be its own module and there fore you should not be able to interfere with my work. Just let me know if you change the HTML around for the site.

Thanks Munimortal 11:33, 3 May 2011 (PDT)

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