

Hi Lucy Skywalker,

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Glad to have you here!


Green World Trust

Hi Lucy - great to get your response. I like what you're doing with Green World Trust, and am very interested in the idea of working together - our skills and efforts could be very synergistic.
Initial comments on Green World Trust:

To provide a friendly supportive forum for "think global, act local" initiatives

Great! Very likeminded!

To establish and support local action groups or "Wisdom Circles" concerned with ustainability, planetary awakening, personal development, and global citizenship

We'd love to support this, and work on providing the networking, collaborative and content infrastructure needed.

To assist those in need, in part by the provision of Life Coaching and Counselling

Probably outside Appropedia's scope, but good stuff all the same. We'll no doubt learn more about this as the conversation progresses.

To build up a neutral source of user-friendly "snappy facts" information regarding ecologically and socially sustainable practices, for beginners as well as experts

That sounds like a bullseye description of one of our central goals.

To liaise with the "cutting edge" of planetary initiatives and networking whose aims are to help the planet and redirect humanity's energies toward sustainability and awareness of our present critical state and what we can do to rectify this

Again, we see Appropedia as moving and supporting efforts in this area.

To develop a way of grading consumer products according to how planet-friendly they are "from cradle to grave"

Hmm. Just came across Ecolect and ecospecifier (and have now added those links to Material). We should have a close look and a think, and start a conversation about how we can all work together.

Btw, we've now got The Appropedia Forums - Beta running - soon to be launched. Just thought I'd mention as it's not prominent yet, but you want to check out the site thoroughly. Look forward to hearing more from you! --Chriswaterguy · talk 06:28, 18 December 2007 (PST)


I've replied again at my talk page. I see good synergy on climate change & peak oil stuff. --Chriswaterguy · talk 21:58, 18 December 2007 (PST)
Hi Lucy - Happy New Year! Was away camping (in the heat of inland New South Wales) over New Year. Replying again at my talk page, here. --Chriswaterguy · talk 21:35, 6 January 2008 (PST)

Wikipedia article

Not that I want to distract either of us from our work, but a Wikipedia article, Wikipedia:Transition Town, would be good. Someone else started but it was deleted (see Wikipedia:Transition towns for the deletion log - seems like at least one of the previous attempts was a an incomplete and perhap poorly written article, but recreating the article should be fine). If you want to start it, be sure and let me know and I'll check it over to make sure it avoids overenthusiastic "deletionist" admins. References from notable publications (inline refs or in External links) are important. --Chriswaterguy · talk 23:41, 6 January 2008 (PST)

Problem solved - I see it's there now, at Wikipedia:Transition Towns.
I don't know how best to contact you but I emailed about my upcoming visit to London. --Chriswaterguy 22:11, 5 June 2008 (PDT)
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