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Name Zen Alejandro Otero
Registered 2006

Born in Puerto Rico, "The Island of Enchantment," also known as "Borinquen," it joins the Lesser Antilles with the Greater Antilles which include the Major Island Nations of Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba, and for some, Jamaica.

During the 90's Puerto Rico was considered by the United States Military a major experimental staging ground for cultural engineering projects it was sometimes referred to as Area 52 particularly the area known as the Spanish Virgin Islands. As a Space Academy Alumni and practitioner of memetic engineering with research experience in noetic sciences, I associate with institutions in alliance with Drexel University. As a Scenic Artist / memetic engineer with a focus on concept designs for new Materials which I learned as a materials engineering student, I enjoy being part of board room discussions with others working on re-engineer political systems and corporate structures to accommodate new practices which will eventually lead to improved Space Station Designs and working earth based models that will help prove profitable the idea of sustainability and the use of green technologies. I dabble with websites (www.freedomtowerparade.net) socialsoft networking, recyclable art, multi-visual / audio projects using computer technology and survivalist traveling and experiencing outdoor gatherings.

I am completing my education through experience based performance and working to complete a thesis on humanitarian outreach projects using high technology. I helped found and contributed to several Global Think Tanks & Networks in the following cities:

Chicago, San Juan / Puerto Rico, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Orlando, Miami, New York & Jersey City.

As an enthusiast of Advanced Sciences I collaborate with those that experiment with technology and direct their focus on integrating Education with the Entertainment Industry.

About Our Business & Profile. (proposed vision)

Our vision: To motivate and take the lead in the Space Industry. Our mission: Explore the Moon, Mars, Titan & Europa preparing for habitation. Implementation: 5 human sustainable Space Stations / Voyaging Crafts.

As of 2005 via 1991 Protocol.

During early Space Academy, Distance Education Initiatives & the development of the E4 Materials Engineering program, several alignments took shape. It was believed a symbiotic relation with Earth1 based technology could be achieved using Information Technology and its correlations to Materia Prima or the Spiritual Essence of the material universe sometimes referred to as Dark Matter.

Various vectors of integration are being experimented with for Earth2 ... Recently at the evolution of the [ www.CoSM.org ] gatherings the reality of these developments have become apparent.

Educational Testing Services ( ETS ) is Implementing Stage 2 of the Space Academy Global-E4 project. Global space industry projects are in the works and the new video format GPP is being used.

A recent break through in sub-atomic particle physics and quantum mechanics has helped explain the missing links within the Unified Field Theory. Far Space transmissions can be accessed instantaneously through resonant atomic frequencies of crystalline structures using several hard metal isotopic matrix alloys of aerogel.

Channeling these frequencies can transmute several spatial, emotional, and optical artifacts within proximity of the observer whom is engaging in active Neuro-links with the crystal matrix.

All you have to do at this preliminary inquest is [ zenalejandro@gmail.com ] with your vision / mission statements, name, cosmic alias, website, company name, email, contact # to remind us of your motivation. Your website will be selected to be listed when the site is fully activated! You will receive a monthly newsletter with pertinent information of fellow associates, we will begin confirming our participation in several upcoming events.

We use knowledge based on our understanding of the Space Academy E4 program first developed in 1991 by Drexel University.

We help advise and coordinate world-wide networks focusing on the environment and End Game survival scenarios for 2012 partially inspired by: [ www.paradise2012.com ]

We are selecting our main contributors.

Our competitive advantage is due to the fact that we maintain a neutral alignment.

Our background: memetic engineering, event marketing & promotions using noetic sciences and other workable systems to help guide our groups.

The networks we created Include: [ 11days.tribe.net ] + [ ecotek.tribe.net ] + [ newhumanity.tribe.net ]

We are currently linking with: [ www.youthforhumanrights.org ] August 25th @ the United Nations.

We are promoting a project called: 11 days of Global Unity [ www.wetheworld.org ]

We are specifically working to connect: ( September 15th-17th ) [ www.earthdance.org ] + [ www.giantstep.net ] + [ www.wonderlandny.com ]

Our management teams span the Globe.

For web casting we prefer [ www.goodnewsbroadcast.com ]

We support: [ www.wwrf.org ] efforts in the creation of [ www.universalpeaceday.com ]

We currently have resource sharing internships available.

Our client list is confidential.

2 international events we are associated with are:

[ www.anhglobal.org ] Dec 7-9th 2006 @ Westin RioMar in Puerto Rico [ www.dysconoir.com ] March 2007 - [ viquespirateconvention@gmail.com ]

Our main objective is to create a yearly gathering at the American Museum of Natural History [ www.amnh.org ] as a means to make official the United Nations Space Program and Honor the founders of [ www.seti.org ]

  • We proposed this during the Blue Revolution Concert for the United Nations 60th Anniversary @ the Frying Pan / Pier 23 in NYC after a long period of Research and Development in which we connected with various supporters during a

[ www.citiarts.org ] benefit.

Human Clone Technology & Memetics.

Burning Clone Com ( What's New? )

Since 2001 we have succesfully developed new trends in International Relations, Project Management, & Social Soft Networking. With our expertise we have come up with strategies to mimic brainwave patterns and bio-chemical effects based on diet, language, and accesories of the planetary elite.

We are now opening up a portal for an advanced form of virtual human cloning predicating the standards to be set for our younger planetary kin.

  • warning: exercise extreme caution while exploring these new posibilities.

ethical standards under construction: [ www.wetheworld.org ]

Product 1: Assessment

We will get you where you need to be to deal with the near future. Lets overview your life and streamline your reality.

a: Life Enhancment

b: Advanced Life Upgrade

Our products are great for the environment

We've been dong research for over 10 years

Call __________ NYC or ___________ Puerto Rico

Some of our Goal for the upcoming 2007:

We are now opening up our market and diversifing our demographics. We plan to approach 50 advisors / networkers adept at their particular thread of reality.

We are moving into full gear to helping you maximize!

Would you like to be trained as one of our elite and begin an assesment of your abilities?

by joining: [ 11days.tribe.net ]

Product 2: Development

We will handle your life for you, using Remote Nuero-links we will make sure you succeed in your life's pursuits.

Let us create the life you have always wanted.

a: Cybernetic Link

b: Neuro Relay Setup

To put it simply, our main service to you is: "Embody"

We will fit you in to the 2012 Galactic Shift.

Not only will we completely overhaul your past but we will streamline your future.

You will know how to serve your highest level of profisioncy and engineer your own Life to achieve the understanding and reach thelevel of Immortality that you desire.

Burning Clone Com < questions & answers? >

Is this a cult? No!

This is an advanced learning and achievement process based on up-to-date learning strategies.

Is this for real? Yes!

Although powerful organization and secret agencies seem to be involved at times, it should not be misconstrued as being in association with the government.

This is a private quasi-intelectual organization that advises government officials on policy changes and future trend setting strategies.

Ideas are based on scenarios arising from these and other Global Intelligence Agencies.

Product 3: Restructuring

Reality Engineering:

a: Endogenic Replacement

b: Outer Vortex Restructure

It takes more than one person to move Time and Space. We will erase your past and enter you in a full functioning Future of your choice.

To be part of this Live Action Roll Playing Game you must first become "Embodied." access: [ newhumanity.tribe.net ] & [ ecotek.tribe.net ] also: [ tribes.tribe.net/caribbeanpiratesconvention ]

Services range from 100 USD to several thousand depending on your motivation and necessities.

You can begin a full assessment by e-mailing:

subject: Take me to your leader. [ ZenAlejandro@gmail.com ]

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