Thomas Colledge, PhD, PE
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Name Tom Colledge
Affiliations Pennsylvania State University
Interests service learning
Registered 2007

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Penn State University Assistant Professor of Engineering Design[edit | edit source]

Coordinator of Engineering and Community Engagement Certificate Program[edit | edit source]

Faculty Adviser for Engineers in Community Service (ECOS)[edit | edit source]

The International Journal for Service Learning[edit | edit source]

I am the Editor-in-Chief for the IJSLE. The International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering (IJSLE) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal offered free, semi-annually, over the World Wide Web. The Journal welcomes manuscripts based on original work of students and researchers with a specific focus or implication for service learning in engineering, engineering entrepreneurship in service, or related service learning pedagogy.

With an increasing number of individuals and institutions of higher education becoming involved in service learning and entrepreneurship in service learning, the IJSLE is an invaluable resources for students, faculty, practicing engineers and local communities. With articles relating to the latest design and research pertinent to local communities, the faculty-reviewed articles in each issue provide the reader with timely information related to:

  • Engineering Design Projects as Service
  • Engineering Research Projects as Service
  • Engineering-Related Entrepreneurial Projects as Service
  • Pedagogy in Engineering-Related Service Learning

If you are contributing to Appropedia - you should seriously consider submitting a manuscript once your project has come together

Current Projects[edit | edit source]

  • Kenya Agricultural Utility System Project
  • Kenya Wind-Powered Electrical Generation System Project
  • Kenya Eco-Village Design Project
  • Jamaica Anaerobic Digester Using Poultry Waste for Electrical Power Production
  • Kentucky Alternative Wastewater Treatment Project
  • Tanzania Alternative Energy/Water Supply Project
  • Tanzania Alternative Energy/Computer Training Center Project
  • El Salvador Bridge Design Project
  • El Salvador HVAC Project

Other Projects[edit | edit source]

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