About Me

Name: Srihari Peesapati

Interests in Engineering

  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • water, air, land, and energy

Experience in Engineering

  • Rube Goldberg - The Rube Goldeberg team competition requirements were to succesfully crush a can without any human contact. My Engr 215 group was judged by a panel of chosen judges that were prior competitors and other Designers. The group needed to take into account aesthetics, safety and spirit as well as follow the following guidelines: The Rube Golberg requirments were to have four steps to pass through prior to crushing a 12 oz. soda can, the complete process needed to be executed twice and last at least 20 seconds. My team and I successfully executed the process twice the total time was 25 seconds with one human intervention. My group placed third in the competition and was also given an award.


Environmental Resource Engineering at Humboldt State University


  • Memo [1]
  • CAD Software [2]
  • Significant Document Format [3]
  • Spread Sheet Software [4]
  • Project Planning Software [5]
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