Current Month Edits: 911575
Current Year Weeks: 38
Subtract 1 week if not Sunday: -1 means
37 weeks * 7: 259
Week Full Days: 4
Year Full Days: 263
Year Full Days Offset: 31+28+31+30+1 = 121 means
Current Month Full Days: 142
Today Current Hour: 3 means
Today Current Hour: 0.13 makes
Current Month Days: 142.13

How to update this table

The above table is updated automatically, except for the Edits/Day and bar values in the over time sections, which can be selected from any of the values on the history table below.

The Days in Edits/Day are adjusted by changing the offset in the related equation, e.g., {{#expr: ( {{NUMBEROFEDITS:R}} - <!--update edits offset-->237039 ) / ( ( ( ({{CURRENTWEEK}}{{#ifeq: {{CURRENTDOW}}|0| -0| -1}} )*7 +{{CURRENTDOW}}-1 ) - <!--update days offset-->121) + ({{CURRENTHOUR}}+.01)/24 ) ROUND 0 }}). The calculation of Days in Edits/Day works as folloes; Current Year Weeks: 38 but Subtract 1 week if not Sunday: -1 means 37 weeks * 7: 259 plus Week Full Days: 4 goes to Year Full Days: 263. Year Full Days Offset: 31+28+31+30+1 = 121 means Current Month Full Days: 142. Today Current Hour: 3 means Today Current Hour: 0.13 makes Current Month Days: 142.13

The starting width and growth rate of the bars are adjusted by changing the offset and division values in the applicable bar percent expressions, e.g., {{#expr: (<!--update edits offset-->237039 - 236829) / 60 }} and {{#expr: (<!--update views offset-->41161113 - 41111113) / 12000 }}. A starting value of about 5 begins the bar near a 5% width. The divisor adjusts the rate of growth of the bar, which cannot go beyond 100%. For a monthly time frame, the ballpark growth rate divisor (1% of the 100% bar width) is one third the daily estimate rounded up and the offset is five times this rate.


The history table below can be updated by copying the bottom row from the display, which is updated automatically, to the row just above it.

Appropedia site statistics history
Date Pages Files Articles Active users Edits E/P Views V/E
2013 04 15 00:01 39739 17188 5394 94 234781 6 40620315 173
2013 04 30 00:00 39956 17322 5381 111 236856 6 41121927 174
2013 05 1 00:00 39974 17332 5384 114 237039 6 41161113 174
2013 05 2 00:00 39978 17333 5383 114 237082 6 41205635 174
2013 05 3 00:00 39986 17334 5384 114 237157 6 41239607 174
2013 05 4 00:00 40019 17366 5383 114 237328 6 41271540 174
2013 05 5 02:34 40023 17367 5385 114 237365 6 41316181 174
2013 05 6 01:48 40069 17410 5382 110 237543 6 41344886 174
2013 05 7 00:00 40127 17454 5382 110 237788 6 41373350 174
2013 05 8 02:15 40149 17469 5384 98 237957 6 41407151 174
2013 05 9 00:00 40157 17474 5386 98 238024 6 41428311 174
2013 05 10 00:00 40217 17526 5386 97 238492 6 41460240 174
2013 05 11 00:00 40319 17615 5390 109 239074 6 41500136 174
2013 05 12 00:00 40359 17658 5388 109 239281 6 41526355 174
2013 05 13 00:00 40363 17662 5388 106 239358 6 41555789 174
2013 05 14 00:00 40395 17691 5389 106 239509 6 41592826 174
2024 09 20 03:44 88323 46495 15646 86 1148614 13 Template:NUMBEROFVIEWS:R Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[".

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