Ross E. Michaels
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Fourth year biomedical engineering student at Michigan Technological University. Student in MY4777, Open Source 3D printing class.


Ross Michaels is a fourth year biomedical engineering student at Michigan Tech. He plans to attend medical school in the fall and currently has multiple acceptances. He is interested in global health and bringing healthcare to people who normally would not have access to it, such as in countries such as Haiti (He has spent time in Haiti working on a school and helping in a health clinic). In the research field, Ross has headed a biomedical undergraduate research project that investigated the non-linear characteristics of cancerous/fibrotic tissue and how this could be modeled and measured and modeled.

Open-Source Projects

Through the MY4777 Open Source 3D printing class at MTU, Ross has developed the following projects:

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Bacteria Coupon Holder This device is used to hold 5 bacteria coupons for cleaning. The wells created by mating the top and bottom pieces allow for the coupon to sit tightly within to be held in the proper orientation for cleaning. This is a custom designed piece for a lab group on campus. The estimated cost of a custom made part could be upwards of $50 and this part can be printed for roughly $0.25, depending on filament. They can also be easily disposed and reprinted so there is no need for sterilization which can have high labor and equipment costs, as well as the need for time to do so.

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Field Ready Design - ECG Lead Holder This design was created in response to a design request submitted by Field Ready, a non-profit 501c3, that seeks to make field ready humanitarian solutions to problems across the world. The design fulfills the need for a cheap single 3D print that will function as a ECG limb lead holder. The device was designed using dimensions similar to the previous device used as requested.


Viking Owl Key Holder


Fourth Arrow Camera Mount

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