
Fig 1: Madi Cleary is studying to get her undergraduate degree in electrical engineering

I am an undergraduate student at Michigan Technological University studying to be an electrical engineer with a focus in power engineering. I am interested in working with sustainable technology.

I worked at ITC Holdings during the summer of 2017 doing work on high voltage transmission lines. I worked in the planning department where I analyzed models of high voltage transmission system degradation, thermal performance, and load and generation handling using internal software. For the summer of 2018, I am interning at Commonwealth Associates. I have also worked on an energy storage project. There I modeled an arc flash study and assisted in writing a hazard report for maintenance workers.

Currently, I am a team lead for Alternative Energy Enterprise’s (AEE) Solar Team. We are currently working on a project with Energized Glass (EG). EG is glass covered in a conductive film, and then the glass is placed on top of a solar module. We are looking into this as an option to melt snow off modules in colder climates. The solar team is also looking into the designing a community solar array for a local company, with a focus in looking into financial parameters.

I am founding member of Electrical and Computer Engineering Club on campus. We are focused on helping students with their coursework - our motto is “students teaching students”. The group schedules study sessions with other members for upcoming exams or quizzes. We started in the fall of 2017 and now have over 50 members.



  • Solar Applications
  • Energy Storage Systems
  • Sustainable Technology
  • Renewable Energy
  • Community Solar
  • Power Generation
  • Thermal Storage
  • Pump Storage


  • MATLAB & Simulink
  • Java
  • Verilog
  • PSSE
  • Mathematica
  • Multisim
  • System Advisory Model
  • C
  • ETAP
  • AcSELerator Quickset


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