Moumita Maiti


I am a researcher at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, working in Prof. Chris Leighton's Semiconductor & Magnetics laboratory and working on single crystal photovoltaics. I have done my undergraduate studies in Kolkata, India with specialization in Electronics and Communication Engineering. Building-path of my academic career plays a major role in developing interest in the field of energy sustainability research. Growing up in a small town in India, taught me necessities of advancements of technology in a cost effective, and energy efficient way. A vast number of villages in India, including mine, has very limited access to electricity and modern technologies powered by it. The majority of electricity is sourced from fossil fuels causing the significant environmental damage. Being a firsthand witness of this, motivated me to search for ways to alleviate the problems and encouraged me to start my carrier where I can understand new technologies and their applications.

I started my professional career as a Lead Engineer in a solar power development industry in India, which provided me a great opportunity to experience the potential of renewable energy and its applications. This also, intrigued me to learn more about semiconductor materials and devices related to photovoltaics and I got the opportunity to experience the related research in Prof. Leighton's lab at the University of Minnesota.

Professional Experience:

R&D Test and Qualification Team Leader : Vitronics Controls I have worked in Vitronics Controls, Pune, India which is a semiconductor power electronics industry mostly related to solar power conversion. There, I have supervised several projects related to Solar-installation and inverters. Specific skills acquired in the industry includes:

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Designing Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) devices to optimize its efficiency

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Executing and troubleshooting of power inverters including solar energy conversion systems such as solar inverters and solar MPPT

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Final product quality testing of high voltage online and offline UPS and power stabilizers for industrial use and learning about their basic electronics

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Installation and maintenance of above-mentioned devices and basic knowledge on solar-panel operation

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