
About Me

Name: Mitch Girard

This is my senior year in the Energy and Climate emphasis, and I'm thoroughly looking forward to being finished this spring. I am the son of an engineer and the housemate of a recent engineer graduate as well, and I love how they approach a problem. I've learned a tremendous amount of practical knowledge from watching engineers approach situations, and I hope to learn similar qualities through my degree and the projects I will be involved in throughout. I'm a huge fan of homebrewing, and practice it regularly. I visit the mountain as often as I can, and enjoy surfing, skating, and soccer.

Interests in Appropriate Technology

  • Alternative Cooking Resources.
  • Renewable energy use on coastal areas, especially wave energy.
  • Eco-friendly beer production.

Experience in Appropriate Technology

  • Research and project with Aquaculture as seen below with Dustin in 115.
  • Eco-composting and elimination of spent grain from homebrewing through our backyard chicken farm.
  • Very excited to start the Rocket stove and alternative fuel project, first fully hands on project for me!

Other Links

Moodle for Humboldt State University AquaCulture History and Future

Figure 1- Image of the Arcata Marsh. Picture from: www.earthisland.org


Aquaculture is the use of man made facilities as well as natural environments to raise fish, algae, prawns, and other aquatic organic matter. There are numerous methods involved, but the method used at the Arcata Hatchery located adjacent to the Arcata Marsh (Figure 1), is quite unique. Using both seawater and treated wastewater from the Arcata Wastewater Plant, fish receive all the nutrients and habitat needed for healthy growth. The wastewater is used like a fertilizer to feed the phytoplankton, which is then used to feed the fish. The nutrients work through numerous trophic levels, and the process has proven to be a success. The aquaculture project benefits from many different levels of environmental engineering and allows for economic benefits to the community. All fisheries work done at the wastewater treatment plant is under the control of HSU's Fisheries Department.

Aquaculture Information

History and Future of Aquaculture

Who used Aquaculture in the past and who stands to benefit from it's present use.

Systems in Use for Arcata Wastewater Treatment Plant

Covers the use of Aquaculture as it pertains to the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Arcata, California.

Fish and Water Statistics

Outlines the fish raised in the hatchery and their final destination.

External Links

Provides various other site's information for continued research.

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