Mehdi Malekrah
Mehdi Malekrah is a PhD student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michigan Technological University


I am PhD student in Electrical Engineering department at Michigan Technological University, I studied my master in Microelectronics and Photonics at Halmstad University in Sweden, and my Bachelor studies was in Electrical Engineering-Electronics at University of Guilan, Iran,


Research Interests:

  • Solid State Electronics, Solar Cells, Sustainable Energy Storage
  • Optoelectronics, Nano based-Photodetectors in special
  • Nano-Electronics, Nanotechnology, improve available approaches in fabrication
  • Semiconductors Epitaxy, MBE

Current Projects:

  • IP barriers to Photovoltaic efficiency Lit Review
  • Modeling of 2D PV Devices


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