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Name Meg Andersen
Interests 3D printing, OSH
Groups 242-2017 People
Courses ENGR242
Registered 2017
Impact 558
Contributions Water bottle to sippy cup converter cap

I am currently a senior at Principia College majoring in Business Administration with a minor in Global Perspectives. Although I am originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, I've been in school in the St. Louis area for the past six years at the Principia Upper School and Principia College. In my college career, I have focused on marketing and graphic design, and gained work experience with both start-ups and established firms. After graduation I will be interning at an inbound marketing firm in Cleveland, Ohio as a graphic design intern.

3D Printing

I have little prior experience with 3D Printing but I knew I had to take this course once I saw that it was being offered for the first time at Principia College! I am passionate about the Maker Movement and I have spent the last two years at Principia working to build innovation-focused activities for students. Most recently, we created the Business Incubator course and the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, which funds student ventures and provides support across different areas. This Center is designed to work in tandem with the new Makerspace, where students can learn to use the 3D Printers to prototype product ideas!


I attended Miramonte High School in Orinda, California for two years, and then transferred to the Principia Upper School in St. Louis, MO for the final two years of high school. This led me to Principia College where I am graduating in May 2017 with a B.A. in Business Administration.

Open Source

I love the Open Source movement as an example of community over competition. I am a firm believer in supporting communities, as sharing knowledge, expertise, connections, and ideas is undoubtedly the fastest and best way to solve problems and advance humanity. Open Source appeals to the very best in people and encourages ethical practices, attention to detail, willingness to share and collaborate, and lowering the barriers to entry across technologies. I'm excited to be a part of this and I know that I will look back on this course as my first true step into the world of Open Source! Open Source is absolutely the way of the future.

My Stuff

Rock Wall Hold Design Created in SketchUp to practice making original 3D designs.


LCD Display Protective Cover (Back Only) Created in SketchUp for a Chemistry professor at Principia College. The electronic display was originally part of a cash register and is now used for various projects in chemistry courses. Because it has a delicate back and gets transported frequently between classrooms, the professor requested that I design a simple back that would cover the fragile area while leaving plenty of room for wire connections and the screen display. This is designed to fit snugly into the back and then be able to stand up thanks to the two small "feet" on the back.

More detailed information on this project here (NIH website): [1]

MA LCD Screen Casing.png

MA LCD Screen Casing - Back.png


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