A picture of me

About Me

My name is Julia King
I'm in my first year at Humboldt State University and I'm loving it! I have really enjoyed living so close to the forest and the ocean. I have lived my whole life in Napa, CA until this past year when I moved up to Arcata. I am an Environmental Resources Engineering major.

Interests in Engineering

  • Renewable energy/green technology
  • Water quality
  • Soil quality

Experience in Engineering

  • Engr 115 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
  • Engr 215 Introduction to Design

Pages I Like


  • This is a sample of a Memo I did for a tour of CCAT in Engr 115.
  • Also in Engr 115, I did a Spread Sheet of what light bulbs were most energy efficient based on data my group collected.
  • My Engr 215 group's Gantt Chart is an example of the execution of a project planning software we used.
  • This AutoCAD drawing was done by me in a Engr 215 class.
  • Also in Engr 215, my group, 3D Funk Squad, created a product the Forever Dry umbrella repair kit and wrote a collaborative document recording our process.
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