About Me

Jacai deneveu
Hi, My name is Jacai deneveu and I am currently pursuing a career in the world of engineering. I am a sophomore in college and attended Humboldt state University on an athletic scholarship for football. I am a hard worker and if I am not working out I enjoy sleeping and spending time with family and friends. I am from the Bay area Berkeley California to be Exact

Interests in Engineering

  • That we design and construct new inventions that makes the lives of others easier.
  • I like the fact that by being an engineer I have the opportunity to invent something that could change the world for the better.
  • Engineers get paid a lot of money.

Experience in Engineering

  • ENGR 115 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
  • ENGR 215 intro to design

Experience in Engineering

  • ENGR 115 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
  • ENGR 215 intro to design


  • For Engineering 215, my group and I, team Check Us Out , designed a Simp-L Checkout desk. This is the checkout desk we created.
  • Our Gant Chart shows an example of our project planning.
  • This is a sample of 3D Model.
  • This is a memo that I made to turn in with a document.
  • This is an Example of a Spreadsheet
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