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My Sister and I
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Name John M. Hunter
Affiliations Cal Poly Humboldt
Courses Engr215 Introduction to Design
Registered 2010

John Matthew Hunter

I was born and raised in Humboldt County, specifically Eureka. I am a big fan of running. I recommend to anyone that they should run a marathon. I had the best tasting orange of my life on mile 22. My last marathon was Avenue of the Giants. I ran a little under 8 minute miles the whole way. I enjoy wood working and I have dabbled in many hobbies.

Interests in Engineering

  • Renewable Energy, specifically solar energy produced by photo voltaic panels
  • Building mathematical models using a computer
  • Creation of small aerodynamic lightweight vehicles

Experience in Engineering

Built a motorized bike:80cc two stroke engine
Rebuilt a motor for a 1995 Toyota 4runner with my brother:Assembling of the motor
  • Created a cantenna for enhanced wireless signal.
  • Built and electric bike pictures available soon.
  • Can read and edit mini plans of building layouts using autocad.

Examples of My Work

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