I am not a robot. Promise.

About Me

Hey, My parents named me Jesse Todd Cody.
I was born and raised in Trinity County, the populations was 3000 people total. When I was 13 I had to pleasure to move to a farm with my family, I enjoy hunting, fishing, and riding my dirt bike. The education I got from Trinity County wasn't enough for me so I furthered my education at HSU. Over the summer I plan to participate in an internship with 5 Counties, which is a non-profit organization that does projects to make a fish's migration to Northern California more successful. I am going to graduate in 2018 with an Environmental Resources Engineering Degree.

Interests in Engineering

  • Solving the world's problems, one step at a time
  • Making life easier for people and animals
  • I don't want the world to end up like [Idiocracy]

Experience in Engineering

  • My dad was a contractor so I've built houses, car shops, wood brick ovens, etc..
  • I can take apart and put together a small engine
  • I have interned with 5C, a salmonid conservation program


  • For Engineering 215, my group and I, The AC Team (Ironic right? Solar power is DC) built the Solar Station, a solar powered charging station. This is the document we created while designing the Solar Station:Design Document
  • This Gantt Chart is an example of project planning software.
  • This is a sample of anAutoCAD Drawing
  • This is a Memo that I made to turn in a section of our document.
  • This is a Spread Sheet Example
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