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Exploring the wind caves outside of my hometown

About Me

I'm James Creek, an undergraduate student at Humboldt State University who is planning on majoring in Environmental Engineering. I am from Moraga, a small town in the Bay Area. I am interested in geothermal and other types of renewable energy, and hope to get a job in one of those fields in the future.

Interests in Environmental Engineering

  • In high school I was part of the Lorax club, which was the environmental club on campus. Although it got me really excited about the environment, and I loved the chance to not be in class, in made me realize that I didn't want to be picking through the recycling to help out the earth. Instead I want to be building systems or designs that lots of people can use that help the environment, while still getting the opportunity to be outdoors.

Experience in Engineering

  • For my Eagle Scout project, I got a team together to remove invasive species from a creek bank next to my church, and replanted them with native species that could better keep the bank from eroding away.
  • At HSU, I've taken two Engineering classes so far: Intro to Engineering and Statics. In the Intro class we learned about water quality, how pollution spreads and how to treat it, and renewable energy. In Statics we learned how to balance systems and work out all the forces on a truss or beam to see if it will hold up under the stress.
  • I currently don't have that much experience in engineering, so right now I am taking two more courses at Humboldt, Engr225: Computer Methods, and Engr215, which you can find the link for below.


Here are some of my documents to show off examples of my work:

 *A Memo from ENGR 115. 
 *A Spread Sheet from ENGR 115.
 *A Gantt Chart from ENGR 225. 
 *An AutoCad drawing from ENGR 225.
 *The Final Document from ENGR 225 that was collaboratively written and worked on.
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