Hanna Phillips her senior year.

About Me

Hanna Phillips
I am a first year freshman at Humboldt State University, majoring in environmental resource engineering. I have always had a passion for the environment in which Humboldt makes a perfect new home for me. Only a semester in, I feel perfectly adjusted to this new life. And also in a major I am fully committed to that I am eager to see what I can get out of it.

Interests in Environmental Resource Engineering

I love that this major allows me to be surrounded by creative people that you can bounce ideas off of so easily since this department is so close-knit. The hands on learning style also catches my interest since you learn best by doing. Being able to find solutions to real world problems makes assignments more rewarding.

Experience in Engineering

  • RESU club (solar regatta)
  • Web design from ENGR 115
  • Rube Goldberg design project
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