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California Sunsets
FA user icon.svg Angle down icon.svg User data
Name Natalie Melick
Affiliations Cal Poly Humboldt
Registered 2018
Impact 574
Contributions HSU solar suitcase

I am a senior studying Environmental Science & Management, Energy & Climate. This is my second to last semester and I am looking forward to what it has to offer!

I am on the Women's Rowing team and it takes up most of my life, besides school! Lol

Interests in Appropriate Technology

  • Renewable Energy
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Climate Change Adaptations

Experience in Appropriate Technology

  • Working on the We Share Solar project here at HSU through my ENGR 305 class

Interests Outside of School

  • Rowing
  • Hiking
  • Dogs
  • Chickens
  • Biking
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