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This picture was taken last semester at College Cove.
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Name Emily Higbee
Affiliations Cal Poly Humboldt
Registered 2014
Impact 106
Contributions Redwood Coast Montessori entrance garden
Emily Higbee
I am a student at Cal Poly Humboldt in the Environmental Resources Engineering program. At Humboldt, I play on the Woman's Lacrosse team and I am in the Engineers Without Boarders club. In the future, I hope to get involved in the field of energy and/or technology.

Interests in Engineering

I am hoping to get involved with alternative energy and it seems like an interesting practice to apply new technologies in third world countries or areas without connection to proper and safe utilities to help move the modern world into a more sustainable future. But also, studying hydrology seems interesting as well, I hope to learn more once I take more classes here at Humboldt State.

Experience in Engineering

Currently I do not have much experience in engineering practices, as in actually building things, but in high school I took two years of Architecture where we learned how to use AutoCAD fairly well, as well as learning the basic specifications of how to design a house. We also built trusses and tested them with weights, and during the second year of this class we designed "tiny homes" and designed homes using shipping containers


  • Here is an example document myself and my team the Green Garden Gurus created in Engr 215 Fall of 2014.
  • Here is an example Auto CAD I created in my junior year of high school.
  • Here is an example memo.
  • Here is an example Spread Sheet.
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