Ringbearer: Movable LED ring for 3D print lighting and analysis


We would like to illuminate objects on our 3D printer bed, using an LED light ring. We would like to be able to change the height (Z) of this ring using stepper motors.


Design 3D printed apparatus to support a LED ring, and allow it to be moved up and down with stepper motors. Apparatus should minimize obstruction with normal operation of the printer.



Ringbearer consists of several pieces which are individually printed and then assembled. It's difficult to print a 1-piece object this large, so Ringbearer is composed of several component pieces:

Image Name Description
Dlbrinks para ring piece.jpg Sectional LED ring support These pieces snap together, forming a circle, and hold the LED ring. The design is parametric, so it can be adjusted for different sized rings, and other criteria.
Dlbrinks raising ring piece.jpg Sectional LED riser 2 of these are snapped in with the rest of the LED ring supports. Elevators screw into this piece, so the ring can be raised by the motor.
Dlbrinks threaded rod.jpg Elevator screw This screw piece attaches directly to the stepper motor shaft. It threads into the elevator nut/ring holder and facilitates raising/lowering the entire assembly.
Dlbrinks nema mount.jpg Motor Mounts This mount attaches the NEMA17 motor to the side of the Athena printer.

STL / OpenSCAD files

Please find the latest STL, Parametric OpenSCAD files, etc in the NIH Repository.

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