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My name is Derek. I grew up in suburban Orange County, CA, and have spent the past 5 years here at Humboldt State as an Energy and Climate major. My general interests include rivers and hydrology, salmonids, agricultural sciences, impact assessment, water quality, photography, guitars, and automobiles. This will be my last semester here in Arcata, and after graduating, I hope to go back to Orange County in order to start my career in the energy field.

Interests in Appropriate Technology

  • Aquaculture/Sustainable Agriculture
  • Renewable Energy, emphasizing wind and photovoltaic power
  • Nuclear Energy, particularly newest-generation technology
  • Backyard Farming
  • Alternative-fuel vehicles

Experience in Appropriate Technology

  • ENGR371: Energy Systems and Technology
  • Some knowledge of/experience with aquaculture (helped write EIR on proposed Samoa Aquaculture Facility)
  • Authored and expanded pages on biogas digesters: see Fixed dome digester or Polyethelene Tube Digester
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