About Me

I am currently an engineering student at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.


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Current Interests

I am currently interested in "green engineering" and have begun work on projects in this area. In order to combat climate change, we have to discover new new materials processing techniques which reduce our environmental footprint. This should include sustainable development initiatives.

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Currently, I am working on Energy Audits and how they apply to commercial buildings. My work involves determining the data inputs required for an energy audit and using LIDAR systems to obtain building geometry. I am investigating the potential for integrating this data with energy simulation software for optimization of building designs (specifically for retrofit applications). I have complied a list of building ECM's (energy conservation measures) which outline the required inputs for the auditing process.

  • Boiler System
  • Chiller System
  • Service Water System
  • Air Handling System
  • Room Conditioning and HVAC
  • Insulation
  • Lighting

Future Projects

I am also interested in musical applications of engineering principles. I have conducted some research into the acoustical performance of polymer and metal materials and their applications. I would like to continue this research with a focus on the microstructures of musical instruments and their affect on tone and timbre.


Please feel free to leave any comments/suggestions about my work.

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