Chris Watkins
Chris Watkins scanned sketch?


English (native) Indonesian (fluent) Malaysian (conversational) Japanese & German (very basic - thanks, excuse me, delicious, mein linke Blinker ist kaput...).

My writing
Blog: Still deciding on a place... I'd like to figure out transclusion and RSS, and maybe even automatically list links to my most recent topics in a table on this page... Here's my out of date blog.
My recipes: Pleasure & health.
Welcome to the homepage of Chris Watkins
a.k.a. "Singkong2005"
Anyone calling themselves Singkong2005 on the internet is probably me, whereas "Chris Watkins" describes a lot of people... if my parents had taken my sister's suggestion to call me "Gilligan," then I'd probably be the only one Gilligan Watkins, but thankfully they insisted she pick again.
What I'm doing now...
Catching up on the talks from Wikimania. Some interesting stuff.

Currently (August 7) indulging my Wikiholism for a few days, before I get onto doing the boring stuff I need to do (taxes, passport, sorting through all my crap...)

I love the way the internet facilitates collaboration, and I'm quite involved in several collaborations, as you can see in the box on the left.

Sometime in the second half of 2006 I'm heading to Asia on a one-way ticket. I'll visit and learn from development projects, gain experience and use it (perhaps) for a career, and (definitely) to share via Appropedia and Wikipedia. Partly, though, it's a lifestyle thing - I don't enjoy living in Australia, and long to get back to Indonesia, and explore other countries as well, broadening my horizons.
To help pay my way, I have 3 options:
  • Development work (probably further down the track)
  • Exporting - I have some experience with this, so I'll be looking for those things that I know I can reliably sell. I specialise in scarves and shawls.
  • English teaching. I think I'll enjoy this. Getting a gig at a university would be ideal.

If and when I do English language teaching, I plan to collaborate on lesson planning, using Wikibooks, Dave's ESL Cafe, and perhaps The Teachers' Lounge and TeachForward (not running yet).

I don't put my email on here, as I want to avoid spam... likewise I don't put my chat usernames here as a whole word - you'll have to do some simple decoding...

You can contact me:

  • via my talk page,
  • via my Wikipedia talk page,
  • via gooogle chat. Take my wiki username, remove the 4 digits from that end, and that's the google username.
  • via Yahoo messnger. One word, first part mbah and second part yogi.

I also like IRC chat... but you'll need to contact me first to arrange a channel. I plan to spend a bit of time on the wiki-related IRC channels occasionally (e.g. #wikipedia & #wikimedia on

My collaborations

Development stuff
Appropedia - Appropriate technology, development, sustainability. User page - "The global neighbour network." Assisting mainly with water and sanitation. User page
Development-related topics on Wikipedia. See Wikipedia user page.
Wikipedia - The concept inspires me. User page. I'm involved in several WikiProjects (collaborations to improve content) including:
Climate change

Energy development
Water purification
Urban studies and planning

Learning & teaching at Wikibooks. Wikipedia user page.
Mainly Indonesian and English.
Wiki-based communities: has a number of community sites. My user page has miscellaneous net-related stuff, and links to the Wikia communities I'm watching.
Political: Campaigns, and also the Australian Greens' wiki... still experimental.
I'm looking and waiting for a community recipes site - for now see my recipes and recipe links.
Other exciting free sites
CouchSurfing - share your couch or spare bed. It can be a great experience. My username: Singkong
HelpX - work for accomodation. For work in Asia & developing nations, free. Most advanced nations, free reg, 10 euros/2 years to make contact with hosts.
OkCupid The most interesting dating site, with the most accurate matching, completely free. My username: Bayangan
My other writing - see the blue box on the right.
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