Catherine Carbajal

Some information about me would be, I love bears, I think they are the coolest animals ever and I love animals in general. I'm not much of a pet owner, they're too much work and I can barely take care of myself. I like the idea of animals being free, also, I have recently joined that vegetarian life. Saving the animals and planet one meal at a time. I love reggae music and I have recently became a Dead Head when moving to Humboldt, I always loved psychedelic and rock but my love for it has grown a lot more since arriving here. I hope to travel a lot once out of this program, I also hope to eventually be an Ocean Engineer and help out all the marine biologist with their research and equipment they might possibly need.

Some of my interests include: 1. Hiking or basically any outdoor activity such as kayaking, rock climbing and bike riding. 2. Painting or anything artistic 3. Playing music for fun

My experience in engineering: I would say none, because this is my second semester in engineering but if these count then awesome 1. MidPac 2. ENGR 115 3. Successful Rube Goldberg's Builder

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